September/October 2021
So now wrap your heart tightly around the hope that lives within us,
knowing that God always keeps his promises!
Hebrews 10:23 (TPT)
I want to encourage and inspire YOU to wrap your heart tightly around the gift of “HOPE” in and during these times. To hold fast, to not lose your grip, to remain standing and holding in His love of promises to you and for this nation. Wrap your heart tightly around God’s Hope for it will come to YOU and to our nation.
Without a doubt we are under siege of so many things in and around us whether it’s the “woke” movement, whether it’s the mandated vaccinations, whether it’s wearing the masks mandate, or whether it’s the CRT in our schools as well as the pandemic, economic collapse, and rioting in many cities, and so many other areas of concerns.
All the areas of the radical left’s agenda are spreading like wildfire. And my friends, it is an agenda—be certain of that much. It’s the agenda of the “Enemy – Satan” who is desperately attempting to rule and reign in America.
If ever there was a time to hold fast, to not surrender nor give in, it would be this time. People of faith, rise-up and hold fast to YOUR faith and to the promises of our Sovereign King—Jesus Christ. America is a land of many covenants and promises and we have so many deep wells, springs, and mines of revival. Our land is situated and centered in the palm of our Father’s Hand and Heart: The Hand of Justice, the Heart of Love, and the Hand of Promises.
As one of the heroes of the faith recently said, “God is rolling up His sleeves and He is fiercely warring to restore what America was before the poison of “wokeness” entered her veins.”
So many have gone before us, so many have their shed blood in fighting for our nation throughout America’s history, so many freedom fighters that crossed an ocean to step onto a land of “HOPE,” a land of “Freedom to worship the only true Savior—Jesus Christ—and to live in a “Land of Justice.”
Seemingly, the radical left is trying to stifle, muffle, and suffocate all that was given, promised, and fought for by the many heroes who shaped a nation out of a wasteland. This is a nation that was truly established, governed, and commissioned in Him and through Him. This is not a “perfect nation” by any stretch of the word nor any “perfect people” but a people who believed, who held fast to the only true Gospel—the Bible. So, with a perfect Book that guided and instructed our forefathers, we the “People” came into existence in this land of hope, freedom, and liberty.
I pray that each one of us in the faith will hold fast, unswervingly to our faith and hope in Jesus Christ and move in the places of courage, of digging into the wells of our heritage by intercession, and by moving in the places of valor by unmasking our mouths. By speaking out, speaking up, and speaking into the truth of who Jesus Christ is today, tomorrow, and forever – for He never changes. He is saying to the Body of Believers, “Don’t lose hope, don’t loose confidence in His Spirit and don’t lose trust in God’s promises of the New Covenant here, now, and in the life to come.”
Our Enemy has NO chance to prevail IF the Body of Christ rises up, shakes off the dust, clears the fog of confusion, fear, and apathy, so that, we the people can remember where we came from, who we are as sons and daughters of the Most High God and remember His promises of hope, freedom, and liberty for all who call upon Him.
David was a giant of the faith, a hero of the faith and a man of faith. David’s sling was not the first choice of weapons. David’s first choice of weapons was an unmasked mouth and a mind of remembrance of what God did in the past—how He kept His promises. That was really the first weapon of attack—his mouth to speak out truth of promises and remembrances of all God’s deeds.
David answered, “You come at me with sword and spear and battle-ax. I come at you in the name of God-of-the-Angel-Armies, the God of Israel’s troops, whom you curse and mock. … The whole earth will know that there’s an extraordinary God in Israel. And everyone gathered here will learn that God doesn’t save by means of sword or spear. The battle belongs to God—he’s handing you to us on a platter!” 1 Sam. 17:45-17 (MSG)
Unmask your mouth, unbridle your memory to the God of hope and to the God of all He has done in our past and will do in our present and future.
“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.” Psalm 103:1
We as God’s people, as Americans, we cannot let our history, our past be banned, prohibited, and condemned because God spoke clearly “forget not all His benefits” and that is the past, present, and future. We need to remember where we came from and how we need to pass onto our next generation the truths of the one and only God, the same God of the United States of America. We need to reclaim our nation back from the depths of evil, from the grasps of the enemy’s tactics of withholding our rights as citizens of heaven and citizens of the United States.
Nehemiah 4:14 – And I looked, and arose and said to the nobles, to the leaders, and to the rest of the people, “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.”
Our confession of our hope is our weapon for today which in turn gives us trust in God’s promises and in that there is NO despair in “hope” even during difficulties, challenges, and trials. Maintain, my friends of the faith, what is true, what is right, and what is powerful—our King of kings and our Lord of lords AND the finished work of the cross.
The ground of our hope and confidence is God is true to His Word: He will never fail to keep all His promises and He never changes His mind after He promises something. Maintain full confidence in the relatability of God’s promises for they are Yes and Amen!! Every believer shares in this final victory. Mario Murillo states it this way so eloquently, “The end times are not happening to me. I am happening to the end times!”
Freedom House Updates
Summer Events:
- Staff Meetings: All went very well with our staff of 10 Small Group Leaders/Shadows Training. It was a time of refreshment, ministry for everyone, and of connecting once again as a Body of Christ, preparing for the FHM Schools.
- Ministry at a Church: Tommy & Mari Anne went down to Bloomington a few times to minister to a home church, including the pastor, his wife as well as the congregation. Actually, the pastor and his wife along with a couple of others are part of our school this year. What an honor to have them at the school.
- Two Guest Speakers on Zoom: First, Joe Amaral, a Hebrew teacher who unfolded Jesus’ teachings in the original context of Jesus’ time which was so refreshing. Also, Paul Young, who spoke at a previous FHM graduation, updated us on Jesus’ strong heart of love for God’s children to come out of shame and pain to live the life He designed and intended for each of us. God is still working through his life and his book, “The Shack.”
Fall Events:
- FHM Schools began in September with 21 students in Course 201. We have 4 sets of pastors and their spouses, just as the Lord revealed to Mari Anne, and we have 4 other couples – PTL. Now the outpouring of revival will be coming. We had a taste of it this last Saturday as we had a couple doing a sanctified rain dance, during a time of worship, a dance to rain upon hungry souls and eager saints to take the Gospel into all the world. Also, we have several young people – which is another answer to our prayers.
- Ask Me Anything with Mari Anne: These new Zoom teachings are an inspiration from many emails where MA is asked many questions about many topics in
life. The Holy Spirit gave insight and wisdom to have live Zoom meetings without charge. The last one was on “Challenging & Difficult People in our Lives” with many questions about co-dependency, setting up boundaries, and dealing with projected feelings.
- A Testimony of the Healing Power of Jesus: Someone with the diagnosis of very late-stage cancer is now healed and in remission! Numbers are reversed. Thank You, Jesus, continue to restore, replenish, and revive more who are needing healing.
- Prayer Counseling for Men: Tommy has been getting a full schedule of counseling in the evenings and ministering to many men who desire to be set free to be the Man of Destiny for this hour. Also, he loves his job working at the Senior Living Assistance Center, releasing his wisdom, love and blessing to so many, especially those who are near to stepping into Eternity. Such a fabulous ministry opportunity!
Prayers Needed at Freedom House:
- Pray Against Cancer: Tommy was diagnosed with stage 2 prostate cancer, which thankfully has not spread. He will have surgery to remove his prostate and to also deal with some of his bladder issues. Doctors are very optimistic, and his chances for cancer in the future are very, very slim. We are thankful that doctors caught this early on. Pray that everything will go smoothly for Tommy, who has a long life here to proclaim the glories of the Lord. Also, my assistant Dorie’s husband, Ray also has prostate cancer and has a very good prognosis. Pray for them both.
- Losing & Grieving People, We Love: Dan Freke, who was supposed to join our Schools in September, has gone home to be with the Lord. Dan and Julia attended the second class of our Schools some 25+ years ago. We are all stunned and shocked, and it’s very difficult to process. Julia and Dan have been lifelong friends of Tommy, me, and our family for about 30 years. Please pray for Julia who is beginning to live a new normal life without her husband. She has been spending time with us which has been good. Rose Marie and Dan are now home sharing, worshipping, walking around in their new place of promotion. Next, as many may be aware, Loren Sandford is also home with the Lord enjoying seeing his mom and dad, John and Paula, and so many others who have gone before him. Please pray for Mark and Maureen Sandford and Beth Sandford, who are also so stunned at Loren’s passing. They are facing a new normal after losing Loren, Mark’s brother and Beth’s husband.
Remembering Rose Marie Borrelli, Founder of Freedom House:
It was 2 years this August that my mom, Rose Marie went to her new home in heaven. It still is a sting in my heart with the loss of my champion and hero. It has been an honor, privilege, and pleasure for me to continue the work my mother started in Freedom House. I surely know my mom is immensely proud of what is happening in Freedom House as well as all around the world in which I have the joy to counsel and minister.
I leave words that my mom wrote back in her journal on January 8, 1999:
“Father, good morning, River of Desire, help me to connect more intensely with you so that we become one ocean of desire, flowing together more passionately, making significant waves upon my world, to your honor and glory. Come now, let us dance together and walk together during this time in my life.” “Your Rose Marie”
We are eternally thankful for each one of you! Your donation of any amount at this ongoing COVID season means so much to us, and we do not take it for granted. Thank you for sharing hope with us, as this is what Freedom House is all about as we extend hope to the wounded, the lonely, the fearful, the perplexed, and along with the Holy Spirit walk with them during this especially confusing, hopeless, and uncertain time.
Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
With My Burning Heart of Love & Thankfulness,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry