By Mari Anne Andersen
Greetings in His Name – Jesus.
I’m simply sharing one word who is, who was, and who will always be forever and for all eternity.
J E S U S . . .
The one person who is our Priest, our Prophet and our King – J E S U S is the only one who will fulfill all prophecies. There is no other name, no other person who is Holy, Sovereign and who is our beginning and end. No other than J E S U S who is outside of time and who is time. Who rules with authority, who governs in purity, sovereignty and reigns supremacy – that name J E S U S.
J E S U S is the first, the last Adam, J E S U S is our champion and the world’s offering, and He is the majestic King over all because He is our all and all.
J E S U S is our wonderful counselor – the Mighty God and the everlasting Father, who redeems our very existence on this side of eternity and the other side for all eternity. He is our Heaven’s Bread of Life which sustains us and nourishes us and supplies us with a life that never ends. J E S U S who is breath of life – who breathes His very existence into our spirit and release hope, peace and life for evermore.
J E S U S is the ark of the covenant with His glorious seat of mercy that never ends and a continuous river of Living Waters which flows from His Holy Throne of healing.
J E S U S is high and lifted-up and his train fills the temple. And His throne is a throne of justice and love with righteousness.
J E S U S is our foundation of Righteousness and justice and the Rock of our salvation, our fortress and our deliverer that provides a solid footing that cannot and will not be shaken. God’s firm foundation stands bearing this seal: “The Lord knows those who are his”. Yes, J E S U S is our firm foundation and the horn of our salvation, our stronghold.
J E S U S is our Passover lamb, our scapegoat that carries all of our sins away and He is without blemish or spot. Perfect – pure and complete as the ultimate sacrifice.
J E S U S the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David has conquered who is worthy of all honor, glory and power forever and forever.
J E S U S our Good Shepherd who leads us and guides into all truth into a safe and protective pastures feeding our souls and anointing our heads with oil of gladness. Our Good Shepherd tends to our every need and gathers us into His arms and carries us closely to His heart of love and comfort.
J E S U S who is and who was and who is to come, J E S U S who is our advocate with the Father – the Righteous One and the Author and Perfector of our Faith. J E S U S is our Immanuel – God with us and God for us. J E S U S is our indescribable gift he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead.
J E S U S is the one who sets us free and He is our living hope our peacemaker and our way-maker our Redeemer and our Restorer and He is our Risen Lord. J E S U S is our Supreme Creator overall.
J E S U S is King of Israel, King of the Jews, King of the saints, King of Kings and King of glory and J E S U S is King over all the earth… Yes, J E S U S is Faithful and true and unwavering to justice and love and steadfast in Righteousness and Holiness.
J E S U S is supreme authority over all earthly and heavenly powers.
J E S U S our one and only true Savior of the world is coming back soon and very soon…
Who is, who was and who will always be forever and for all eternity . . . J E S U S
And just think friends we get to do life in 2025 with J E S U S so be prepared to see Him in great wonder and awe in your life, my life, the life of the church and the life of the world.
Come Jesus Come! Get ready for shock and awe for He is riding in passionate pursuit for you and for me to see glorious and wondrous miracles on display. To God be all Glory…
2025 Is A Year of Grace upon Grace upon Grace upon Grace
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Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
With My Heart of Love,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry