Thank You from FHM - June 2018
Here we are in June, and all of our natural senses are jumping into new tunes of freshly mown lawns, sweet smells and arrays of colors, dazzling dancing flowers popping and flourishing. Aww – the summer season filled with children’s’ laughter, dogs barking, and that wonderful tune of the ice-cream truck cruising ever so slowly around teams of children. Delicious smells of barbeques floating through the air seemingly arriving right to our backyards giving way to our stomachs that are calling out for grilled hamburgers, fresh squeezed lemonade, and freshly picked strawberries. Summertime – summertime for swimming, fishing, playing until the sun sets later in the day, family outings whether it’s vacationing or taking trips to concerts and fests. So many smiles, hand-wavings, and loud voices of children playing their games with jostling excitement and ever so sweetly songbirds singing, while nightly crickets unendingly chirp away. Aww . . . summertime! As Shakespeare once wrote in Midsummer Night’s Dream: “Summers in a sea of glory.” How apropos and appropriate – summertime truly is a sea of glory, beauty, and wonder.
We are now already six months into the halfway mark of the Year of Our Lord, 2018. As I was praying and preparing for my June support letter to you, I sensed a couple of thoughts from the Father’s heart and He wanted me to remind you as well as myself of our promises for 2018.
Surely, Positively, and Most Definitely Seen In 2018 – “To do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)
“The Lord is great and is clothed with unlimited splendor and boundless majesty. Surely, positively, and most definitely, the Lord wraps Himself in your life as light and love that shines and stretches from His Heavens as a covering of love upon you. Surely, positively, and most definitely – YOU will be seen in 2018. Surely, in 2018, He will be releasing wings of His Spirit to carry and convey His thunderous awakening in and around your life.”
I sense in 2018, the Lord is going to set things in motion that have been on hold, have been stuck, or have been in transition. You will be like an arrow in the hand of the Warrior, Jesus, ready to hit the target. You will be His arrow and will be propelled forth like lightning.
You are God’s divine blessing, and He crowns you with His success, His favor, and His rest in your being blessed. 2018 is the year that due diligence of your calling will be unleashed and unhindered to hit the mark of God’s glory.
As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man, …. Are shot out with great strength; come with much force, and do execution, and do not return in vain; with which men defend themselves, and annoy their enemies; see Jeremiah 50:9.
For the Lord is going to set the record straight once and for all in your life – surely, positively, and most definitely – you will be seen in 2018.
Strength will be your inner and outer garment, beauty and glory will be your crown of royalty, and peace and rest will be your most prized possession—your ammunition of defeat to keep standing in the place of blessed assurance and assertion.
Surely is a word the Lord wants YOU to have branded in your heart for 2018. Surely is something important within your spirit for the Lord is confirming clearly, precisely and confidently that you will be seen in 2018. Whether it is the job promotion, whether it is validation that you have been speaking truth, and confirmation that what you heard from the Lord is yes and amen!
Surely means: definitely, positively, absolutely, certainly, confidently, assuredly, and completely.
In this new season of 2018, God is calling for the Micah’s: “to do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)
I pray that this word would encourage you, strengthen you, and give you His blessed assurance that SURELY He will do what He has promised YOU and me so that this summer you will not just find the natural senses springing into life but the spiritual senses being activated greater, deeper, and richer.
This summer you will explore, travel, and visit new places in His Spirit: small winding roads calling you into a meadow of quiet rest feeding your soul and receiving greater revelation and deeper transformation. May you see before you an open road flooding your spiritual eyes with a wider view of heaven’s horizon filled with new and fresh visions from your Lord. May your spiritual appetite become hungrier and hungrier for tasting how good our Lord is by abiding and dwelling in His secret place. Your hearts and spirit will be beckoning you more and more just because you’re curious and wondrous in knowing more of His love. “Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in God.” – St. Augustine.
Summertime naturally and spiritually speaking is a time to peak our curiosity for open spaces to laugh, dance, and find freedom with hearts of vitality and connectedness—hearing sounds of music, laughter, and thunderous roars of heavens applause for us to contemplate and meditate on God’s goodness and greatness.
The revelation of God is whole and pulls our lives together. The signposts of God are clear and point out the right road. The life-maps of God are right, showing the way to joy. The directions of God are plain and easy on the eyes. God’s reputation is twenty-four-carat gold, with a lifetime guarantee. The decisions of God are accurate down to the nth degree. (Ps 19:7-9 The Message)
We pondered your love-in-action, God, waiting in your temple: Your name, God, evokes a train of Hallelujahs wherever It is spoken, near and far; your arms are heaped with goodness-in-action. (Ps 48:9-10 The Message)
So precious friends, let me challenge you this summertime: “Don’t rush!” for kingdom living is not hurried or harried and give yourself “summertime” naturally and spiritually speaking by leaning into His Sabbath summer being still and knowing He is your God, your salvation, and your hope soaking in the “Son-shine and Son-rays” of His warmth and presence.
Your financial support has certainly warmed my heart and allowed me time to lean into the Lord as I prepare for upcoming events and meet ongoing counseling demands. Two small words called “thank you” never seem adequate, but they loom large in my heart when I think of you and your care for and sacrificial giving to Freedom House Ministry.
Current prayer requests:
- An avalanche of students for 2018/19 Course 201 & 202 Schools – August 28 application deadline
- More clients for our prayer counselors • Increased financial support for summer, when giving tends to go down
- Upcoming events:
- Ruth Fazal August 3 & 4 at Vineyard Church at DuPage, Wheaton
- Joseph & Heather Z Ministries October 4 – 6 at Kingsland Properties, Carol Stream
Finally, a few photos and comments from our May 2018 Schools Graduation!
With My Heart of Love,
Mari Anne
Love Can Win!
Graduation Week:
• 11 individuals met with Mark & Maureen for prayer counseling on May 15-17
• 60 people attended the Graduation Ceremony on May 19
• 5 Course 201 & 9 Course 202 students received EH Certificates
• 6 Course 201 & 11 Course 202 students received FHM Certificates
• Dr. Boaz Johnson, Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at North Park University, Chicago, gave the commencement address totally mesmerizing every attendee with his compassionate heart for those caught in human trafficking from bible days to our day, likening FHM counselors to those who are setting the captives free as an ezer: to rescue, to save, and to be strong. When he finished speaking, the entire audience stood up as one person, giving Dr. Johnson a standing ovation for his address!
• In Hebrew, Dr. Johnson sang the Numbers 6:24-26 priestly blessing over everyone! We were all very deeply touched and blessed.
• Mark & Maureen shared a teaching and prayed blessings over the students, a touching end to the ceremony.
• Celby Hadley, Worship Pastor at Living Hope Church, Elk Grove, provided spirit-led praise and worship.
Surely, Positively, and Most Definitely - Prophetic Word for 2018
Surely, Positively, and Most Definitely
S E E N IN 2018
To do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)
The Lord is great and is clothed with unlimited splendor and boundless majesty. Surely, positively, and most definitely, the Lord wraps Himself in your life as light and love that shines and stretches from His Heavens as a covering of love upon you. Surely, positively, and most definitely – YOU will be seen in 2018. Surely, in 2018, He will be releasing wings of His Spirit to carry and convey His thunderous awakening in and around your life.
I sense in 2018, the Lord is going to set things in motion that have been on hold, have been stuck, or have been in transition. You will be like an arrow in the hand of the Warrior, Jesus, ready to hit the target. You will be His arrow and will be propelled forth like lightening.
You are God’s divine blessing, and He crowns you with His success, His favor, and His rest in your being blessed. 2018 is the year that due diligence of your calling will be unleashed and unhindered to hit the mark of God’s glory.
As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man, .... Are shot out with great strength; come with much force, and do execution, and do not return in vain; with which men defend themselves, and annoy their enemies; see Jeremiah 50:9.
For the Lord is going to set the record straight once and for all in your life – surely, positively, and most definitely – you will be seen in 2018.
Strength will be your inner and outer garment, beauty and glory will be your crown of royalty, and peace and rest will be your most prized possession—your ammunition of defeat to keep standing in the place of blessed assurance and assertion.
Surely is a word the Lord wants YOU to have branded in your heart for 2018. Surely is something important within your spirit for the Lord is confirming clearly, precisely and confidently that you will be seen in 2018. Whether it is the job promotion, whether it is validation that you have been speaking truth, and confirmation that what you heard from the Lord is yes and amen!
Surely means: definitely, positively, absolutely, certainly, confidently, assuredly, and completely.
Surely, the Lord is in this place with you
Surely, He shall make it good for you – His child
Surely, He heard your cry
Surely, He has seen your afflictions
Surely, He will be with you
Surely, He will show Himself faithful and true
Surely, He will recover the loss
Surely, His goodness and mercy shall chase you down
Surely, His strength will be your right hand guard
Surely, His love will be recovered
Surely, He shall deliver you and set you free
Surely, He knows that it shall be well with your soul
Surely, you are His sons and daughters
Surely, your land will flow with milk and honey
Surely, He will give possession of His inheritance
Surely, positively, and most definitely – seen in 2018.
As God sees us clearly, He is affirming, recognizing, encouraging, and confirming who we are so that we can have a heart that loves more. Then we too can see others as He sees us. We become healed “burden bearers” so we can speak up and rise up like the prophet Micah who was seen and heard by God.
In this new season of 2018, God is calling for the Micah’s: “to do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)
Micah was a man for justice in a time in Israel’s life where sin ran rampant with greed, corruption, and words of deception and confusion. It was a time of despising justice and honesty, a time when the nation turned their backs on God openly and arrogantly in order to pursue their own evil desires. Does this not sound vaguely familiar to our day in age?
Primarily, Micah proclaimed a message of God’s full character, which encompasses His mighty works and soars to the rich heights of God’s mercy. With Micah’s deep insight into God’s love and heart, he exposes the sins of society along with a clear disclosure of the character of the Sovereign One who will, through divine intervention, bring about both judgment on sinners and blessings on those who repent. He is driven to proclaim God’s Holy Word—not just part but the full counsel of God. Micah gave a balanced picture of both the justice and the love of God. Yes, God will indeed execute true justice on earth, and He will also pour out His mercy on all who truly follow Him.
God is calling YOU to stand in 2018 as Micah stood in his time and age to proclaim true justice and mercy through the greatest gift given—“repentance.” Heartfelt repentance is a gift from God. It is a constant reality of every true revival, both throughout culture and society but also personally with each individual. Since sin is the great separator between God and man, repentance is the great restorer. The Biblical message of repentance is the sword of the Spirit that brings salvation to the lost, maturity to the saints, and hope for a heaven sent revival. “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength” – Isaiah 30:15
God the Father is calling up the Micah’s in 2018 to walk in His justice, holiness and humbly before your Lord and God. Not to be influenced by our society and culture but to be the influencer of society and culture. Don’t let anything from your past define you. Like Micah put his hand to the plow and did not look back but moved forward instead with strength and determination to be obedient and faithful to God, you too can act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.
“You don’t nurse your anger and don’t stay angry long, for mercy is your specialty. That’s what you love most, and compassion is on its way to us. You’ll stamp out our wrongdoing. You will sink our sins to the bottom of the ocean. You’ll stay true to your word to Father Jacob and continue the compassion you showed Grandfather Abraham – from long time ago.”
– Micah 6:19-20 (The Message)
In Closing, Please Pray With Me:
Father, thank You for Your compassion and not condemnation. Thank You for Your forgiveness, your gift of repentance, and Your forgetfulness of our sins. You are full of mercy and love. So we receive in 2018 Your mantle of mercy and love, Your mantle of goodness and greatness, and Your mantle of blessing and favor. Lord, remove the pebbles in our shoes that keep away the “irritations” and “hindrances” in walking humbly before You.
Father, we want to arise and shine in 2018 according to Your promises—surely, positively, and most definitely, we will be seen in 2018—no longer hidden, no longer in the back corner, and no longer a silent partner but a child of the Most High God expanding, increasing, and flourishing in who You called us to be as highly favored and blessed sharing Your heart of justice and love with the hurting and wounded to fulfill Micah 6:8.
Surely, Lord, You are with me, and surely Lord, Your strength will be my right-hand guard. Surely, Lord, Your love will recover me in all areas so I can be a Micah to my family, my community, and my society.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
- Mari Anne Andersen
Write Mari Anne with any thoughts, questions or comments you may have:
A Christmas Miracle Truce - It Can Really Happen [VIDEO]
Please join me and listen to a special Christmas message I have prepared just for you. May you be blessed as I share His wondrous love, miracles and truth at this Christmas Season of pure joy and wondrous love because Emanuel - our God is with us. A very Merry & Blessed Christmas from my heart to your heart.
- Mari Anne Andersen
Write Mari Anne with any thoughts, questions or comments you may have:
Taking My Sentimental Journey
Gonna take a sentimental journey, Gonna set my heart at ease, Gonna make a sentimental journey, To renew old memories. Who remembers this famous song sung by Doris Day with the Les Brown Band back in 1944? I’m sure many of us do:

In these last few months, I have been taking my own sentimental/emotional journey with my mom, Rose Marie Borrelli, the Co-Founder of Freedom House, given the many events we’ve recently gone through. My sweet, loving and funny mother, who is now 86 years old, is someone that has brought life to me—literally. Yet I’m really talking about a spiritual legacy. Moreover, she has released life to so many others in these last 50 years of ministry—loving, serving, teaching, mentoring, and ministering to hundreds and even thousands. There is a rich legacy she is leaving me, my family, and so many she brought into the family of God. Note: No, she has not gone home to glory!!! Indeed she was close to death, more than once these last few months. These are my sentimental memories that have surfaced, due to my mother’s serious health issues, that I want to share with you. Many emotions, memories, and thoughts bubble up to the surface for all of us when a loved one is hurting, suffering, and maybe even coming to the end of their life.
With this season in her life, as well as my life and my family’s, I have begun to ponder more deeply many thoughts, questions, and memories about life—past, present and the future. Join me on my sentimental journey as I share our memories. I hope you will be blessed and encouraged, and also laugh and cry along with me.
This began as my mother and I commenced talking about the legacy she will be leaving behind. Her legacy is not of monetary worth. It’s a value that goes beyond anything riches can buy or hope to buy. She is leaving a spiritual generation that will grow on and on into the future—a heritage of eternal life. Funny thing about a legacy or a heritage: we will ALL leave one! The real question is “What type of legacy will we leave?”
Proverbs 13:22 “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.” I deeply believe that is what my mother has done; she has and is leaving a legacy that is going beyond just me, her natural daughter. Here are some tidbits that I have read about a legacy, defined in contrast to our reputation so we don’t confuse the two:
- Your reputation is who you are supposed to be; your legacy is who you are.
- Your reputation is what you have when you come to a new community; your legacy is what you leave behind when you go.
- A reputation is made in a moment; a legacy is built in a lifetime.
- A single newspaper report or careless gossip can give you your reputation; but a life of toil gives you your legacy.
- Reputation is what men say about you on your tombstone; legacy is what your children will live with for the rest of their lives.
But you – keep your eye on what you’re doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive; do a thorough job as God’s servant. You take over. I’m about to die, my life an offering on God’s altar. This is the only race worth running. I’ve run hard right to the finish, believed all the way. All that is left now is the shouting – God’ applause! 2 Timothy 4:5-7 (The Message)

These powerful and unforgettable words from Paul, were made about his legacy as he pondered the end of his life: faithfulness, fighting the good fight, finishing the race, and keeping the faith. From a front row seat on my mom’s life, I can personally attest this is what she has been doing and is continuing to do. My mother, Rose Marie, too, has fought the good fight through many trials and tribulations, through the good and the hard times, the betrayals, and through her reputation being smeared because of her radical love for Jesus. Further like Paul, she has kept the faith in all the places in her family, her children, her health when cancer tried to take her life (20 years ago), her ministry, and in her home and for others she has led to the Lord and has nurtured and disciplined. I wholeheartedly believe when my mother is ready, and when God invites her to her eternal resting place – “His Place” – she is going to give out a loud shout . . . “I’m ready Lord! Here I come!” What she will hear is a thunderous roar of applause, God’s applause saying, “Yes, Rose Marie, is coming home to My place.”
Her legacy has been built over a lifetime of choices. We all are given these same opportunities to make choices on a daily basis. Again, the important question to ask ourselves is: “Are we making the right choices that will leave a legacy of standing in faithfulness and fighting the good fight of faith, and are we going to finish the race well?”
During these months as my mom was convalescing, we had lots of talks, and lots of sharing, really nothing new for us, but it felt new because of her state of health and thinking this may be the time the Lord is really calling her home. Getting things in order for her during this time, I found a big beautiful box filled with so many treasures: love letters from the 1940’s from my grandparents, letters from my mother and father when they were dating and through their marriage, and letters that my brothers and myself wrote my parents through our teen-age years. What a treasure trove of sentimental memories! In addition, there were Valentine cards from my dad to my mom and a beautiful fall, brown leaf that is perfectly in tack that my dad picked up to give my mom. And if that were not enough, I found my mom’s love poems for my dad. Sentimental memories, warm feelings, and cascading emotions where invading our hearts and bodies as I read these letters out loud for 4 hours to my mother! And I hadn’t even covered everything that was in the box!
I actually want to share some with you. Like I said, this is my sentimental journey during these last few months.

1945 – From my Maternal Grandfather, Willie, to my Maternal Grandmother, Rose
Dear Rose (my mom’s mother),
I am writing this letter from the guardhouse. Now take it easy! I am in the guardhouse not because I am a bad boy, but because I am on guard duty. Now do you feel better? Now, sweetheart, I have to go on guard in a few minutes—2 hours on and 4 off for 24 hours, so I will close with love to all. Daddy. P.S. Happy Birthday Rose Marie, with love and kisses.
Today is Sunday and all on my own with nothing to do but think of you and I sure do plenty of that. Rose I was dreaming of you last night. Rose, it was so nice of the kids to write to me. I was so happy that it brought tears to my eyes. Rose you just can’t believe how much I miss all of you.
Dear Rose, I got two letters from you today and did they make me feel good. I wonder if the love bug bit you, but I love it so go right ahead. Rose, I hope that your dream comes true. If it does, then I will whisper soft and sweet I love you truly. My heart grows strong for you. I will be thinking of you when I look at the stars above. They will be the spark that fixes my heart and keeps the love light burning for you. I am going over and mail this letter then go to the PX and get a few beers and think of you some more. That is the only thing I like to do. Give all my love to the kids and a big kiss. Will see you in my dreams. Love, Willie
So many letters from my maternal grandfather and grandmother! When I hold them, read them, feel the paper, see my grandparents handwriting, see the ink blots, it all profoundly and deeply moves me.

A poem from my Mom, Rose Marie, to my Dad, James – March, 1954:
The Borrelli Ship
You are the captain of “our ship”
The skipper with a smile.
And I am just your “first-class mate”
Who’ll make your life worthwhile.
The voyage that our ship will make
Across the stormy sea
May be a mass of cruel waves
But that’s not frightening me.
As long as you will master
The sail at any rate,
I’m confident that I can be
Your ever-loving mate.
Together… hand in hand we’ll stand
Upon the deck of life.
When you are my “Captain” husband
And I … your first-class wife.
Let’s leave the world behind us
And sail across the sea.
Let’s be together always
Alone … just you and me.
Love Notes from my Mom, Rose Marie, to my Dad, James – 1954:
I’ve been in prison all day because the thing I longed for most I was barred from—your kisses. Love, Ro
Love Notes from my dad, James, to my mom, Rose Marie – 1954:

A Valentine Message to Rose Marie, I love you—just three little words, and yet, how much they hold of dreams from deep within my heart. Of happiness untold, of many cherished hopes and plans for both of us to share . . .
I love you, Jimmy
Darling, Honey, Sweetheart,
These leaves (perfectly preserved) come from the country. One of them means that I am happy that I met you and others mean that I am happy I married you.
I love you, JB
Dear Rose Marie,
You’ll always be part of me, Sweetheart. The love that is ours will keep forever and ever.
Love, Jimmy
To have these precious, romantic treasures has allowed me to journey back in time with my grandparents and parents—to be able to feel the love, joy, excitement, romance, and wonder of their beginning years. Also, included in the box were several letters from them covering their times of great struggle, pain, and hardships. These were words of anguish, but even in that, there was bittersweet beauty because they were so real with their losses, their hurts and genuine pain, which was expressed as well as confessed.
What can we say about memories as we all have them? Memories are a gift, even the difficult ones, because they lead us to a place of searching, seeking, and surrendering to our Lord for His healing and sovereignty. Our memories allow us to see our life wholly from 360o, to look back and to claim—from a more seasoned perspective—that what seemed good was actually amazingly good. You would not be the person you have become, with the values you hold and the qualities you emanate without these amazing, wonderful, loving people in your past—your grandparents and parents. Maybe they were like angels. (Maybe there were angels!?)
We can also say that memory is a gift. Memory gives us a window to God. God is timeless. Our memory gives us a glimpse into how God sees and knows us, how God has loved us all along. Memory makes us whole because life actually is not linear. Life encircles us. God’s gift of life encircles us, and we participate in that circle with the gift of our memories. We can draw from our memories the gift of gratitude. Savor your memories; pray with gratitude for the amazing, even miraculous goodness of your life, stretching back to your own childhood.
Lastly, draw from your memories the gift of redemption. There may well be things in your past that you wish were otherwise: things said or not said and things done or left undone. Some of the regret may have been your own doing; some of the regret may be at hands of others, and it may be saddening or maddening. Redemption is reclaiming a memory. Redemption is clearly remembering what was not good, not right, and yet acknowledging, where it’s possible, that what was your breaking may actually have become your making. Where you find yourself now has most likely come out of the best of times and the worst of times in your own life. It is a huge grace to reclaim memories, especially those which may have been locked up in old closets of your heart and mind, locked up in that attic with letters of the good, the bad, and the ugly. The gift of redemption draws from the treasury of our own memories, claiming the good that has even come out of the bad. This certainly confirms God’s Word in Romans 8:28 and Joel 2:25.
I pray that you may be open to those locked-up places in your memory. God just may want to give you the gift of redemption in those hidden places of your past.
I pray that each one of you may also take your sentimental journey into your memory bank and ask the Lord to release those times that brought great joy, a smile to your face, or a filling of warmth in your heart. We sometimes focus on all the hurtful, painful, and awful memories but through my own healing journey, the Lord prompted me to be praying for the good memories that I had forgotten and/or were lost in the hurtful ones that created some bad fruit in my life. This is moving to and living out of the resurrection side of the Cross.
God is good—He is good ALL the time! When we pray and seek His heart to show us the good in our lives, He is eager, quick, and ready to release those places and times of the good things that took place: the special neighbor, the teacher who took time to explain, the Aunt who just loved to bake our favorite cookies, the grandmother who would love up on us and gave the best hugs, and those birthdays where we received exactly what we had hoped for. My friends, ask the Lord to release those times of memories and celebrate those events with thanksgiving and gratefulness. Who knows? You may come into more happy memories of the past and, therefore, become more joyous in the present.
Thank you for joining me on my sentimental journey—my journey home—to my roots, my heritage! The last stanza of that famous song rings true: Never thought my heart could be so 'yearny,' Why did I decide to roam? Gotta take that sentimental journey, Sentimental journey home. Yes, we all roam from our family of origin, but especially from our Heavenly Father. As our thoughts of the legacy we are leaving draws us home, let’s remember that Father God also draws us to Himself with His redeeming love. He is able to make all things new in our earthly families and able to redeem our tattered legacy, no matter what stage of life we are in. Finally, as described in John 14:1-3, our ultimate Heavenly Home, our true heritage, is being prepared especially for us!
Remember, my dear ones, God is a God of mercy and His mercy is always there—ready and able—and mercy always triumphs over judgment.
Father, release that merciful heart that is so big within You and pour it over each one so that they can have remembrances of Your mercy, Your goodness, Your faithfulness, Your steadfastness, and Your countless ways of love and mercy even in the midst of the hard times.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
- Mari Anne Andersen
Write Mari Anne with any thoughts, questions or comments you may have:
"Taking Care of Business" A Personal Invitation by Mari Anne Andersen to FHM Schools
Hear from Mari Anne about the heart of FHM Schools and how you can benefit from participating:
Freedom House's Schools Course 201 & 202 start September 9th. Learn more about our courses:
Course 201 Info Course 202 Info- Mari Anne Andersen
Write Mari Anne with any thoughts, questions or comments you may have:
An Invitation from Mari Anne - Graduation Weekend 2017
A Special Invitation from Mari Anne Andersen
Register now for this weekend's graduation celebration - Friday night (16th) & Saturday morning (17th).
- Mari Anne Andersen
Write Mari Anne with any thoughts, questions or comments you may have:
From Grave Clothes To White Robes - An Easter Prayer
From Grave Clothes to White Robes, an Easter Prayer by Mari Anne Andersen
- Mari Anne Andersen
Write Mari Anne with any thoughts, questions or comments you may have:
From Grave Clothes to White Robes
He has risen
He has risen and His glorious Light, Love and Truth surrounds you with His wonderful, majestic covenantal promises. The resurrection has changed everything: from grave clothes to white robes of righteousness. The Resurrection has changed everything in our lives as sons and daughters of the Most High God.
The Incomparable Christ rescued us and has drawn us to Himself from the dominion of darkness, and has transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom WE have redemption (because of His sacrifice, resulting in) the forgiveness of our sins (and the cancellation of sins penalty).
- Colossians 1:13-14 (Amp)
What an astonishing and amazing rescue mission! Jesus apprehended death for His sons and daughters. Jesus the Nazarene, Jesus the Beloved Son, conquered, defeated, and triumphed over death—the grave could not hold him, death could not conquer Him. He rose up on the third day. This is overwhelming news of joy that we are dressed with clothes of salvation and draped in a robe of righteousness. The resurrection secured our victory over death and lifted us up from the grave into glory with Christ and we sit with Him in the heavenly realms. The resurrection changed everything: from grave clothes to white robes of righteousness.
In victory
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Resurrected One, declared heaven’s triumph and victory over the power of sin and death. This is our blessed assurance that we can have forgiveness from all our sins and that the cross was heaven’s triumph and victory. It was also Satan’s defeat, so the grave clothes of sin and death, isolation and loneliness, despair and shame were forever demolished. The Eternal One changed everything for us and it tells the world that the kingdom of God is ruled by the only true King of kings and Lord of lords.
For He is the first and the last, and the Living one; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive for evermore.
- Revelation 1:17-18
The resurrection changed everything: from grave clothes to white robes.
Our Father, the giver of life, raised Jesus from the dead to certify and guarantee our forgiveness, to unchain us from the bondage of sin, and to deliver us from its power of death and hell. The risen Redeemer now guarantees that we are forgiven and free to reign and rule here and in the life to come wearing righteous robes of our justification and sanctification full of life, purity, dignity, hope, and fellowship. Now every sin and all its shame and pain are forever gone because they are buried in an empty tomb—the grave of God’s forgetfulness. He remembers our sin no more. Jesus, our Risen Savior, is alive. The resurrection changed everything: from the grave clothes to the white robes of righteousness.
That blessed assurance of Jesus’ resurrection can transform our lives in every way and in everyday. We can live empowered, sanctioned, and enabled lives because His love is upon us and He has delivered us and set us on high. He positions Himself as a strong tower from our enemies and He shelters us with songs of deliverance. Being His sons and daughters, God has sent forth the Spirit of His resurrected Son, Jesus, into our hearts to strengthen us, to help and uphold us with His right Hand of righteousness. We have God’s Spirit inside of us. The resurrection changed everything: from the grave clothes to the robes of righteousness.
This is good news
My friends, such good news! The resurrected Jesus, changed everything for us so we can be certain of a future of hope here and now as well of a future in heaven for all eternity dressed in white robes of righteousness:
they will walk with Me in white, for they are worthy.
- Revelation 3:4b
He is saying to you, my friends,
“Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”
- Matthew 25:34
Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.
- Luke 12:32
You are those who have stood by Me in My trials; and just as My Father has granted Me a kingdom, I grant you
- Luke 22:28-29
But just as it is written (in Scripture) Things which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him (who hold Him in affectionate reverence, who obey Him, and who gratefully recognize the benefits that He has bestowed).
- 1 Corinthians 2:9-10
And [I pray] that the eyes of your heart [the very center and core of your being] may be enlightened [flooded with light by the Holy Spirit], so that you will know and cherish the hope [the divine guarantee, the confident expectation] to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints (God’s people).
- Ephesians 1:18 (Amp)
- Mari Anne Andersen
Write Mari Anne with any thoughts, questions or comments you may have:
Morning Prayers of Praise
Morning Prayers of Praise by Mari Anne Andersen
- Mari Anne Andersen
Write Mari Anne with any thoughts, questions or comments you may have:
The Father’s Love for You (Prayer for Today)
Prayer for Today by Mari Anne Andersen
It’s a brand new day filled with the Father’s overflowing love for you. Experience His new mercies of love and strength accompanying you throughout this day.
22-24 God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out,
his merciful love couldn’t have dried up.
They’re created new every morning.
How great your faithfulness!
I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over).
He’s all I’ve got left.Lamentations 3:22-24, The Message (MSG)
- Mari Anne Andersen
Write Mari Anne Andersen with any thoughts, questions or comments you may have: