Thrive in 2025
Thrive in 2025
Word for 2025
Mari Anne Andersen
Listen to the truth I speak to you: Whoever says to this mountain with great faith and does not doubt, ‘Mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the midst of the sea,’ and believes that what he says will happen, it will be done!
Mark 11:23 (TPT)
Dear Friends of Freedom House,
Speak to Your Mountains and don’t hold back. Speak to Your Mountains that it’s time to relocate and to vacate the space in your life.
You are an Overcomer and You are a victor in Christ. So don’t hold back and don’t shrink back. Take back the territory that has been stolen, whether it’s hopes, dreams, or promises. They were given by Your Creator; therefore, they are Yours. So, speak to your mountains that you will not be intimidated nor dominated by the enemy, but YOU will be motivated to advance into the places that God has spoken, that God has given, and that God has entrusted you to step into.
Don’t say you’re too old, don’t say it’s too late, and don’t say it’s too big. For nothing is too big for our God because God created all and everything and nothing is too big nor too impossible for God the Almighty (Jeremiah 32:17). He loves taking the impossible and turning it into the possible. Great possibilities await you, so speak to your mountains. They can and will be removed for this is the time for you to advance, to take a chance on the Greatest of all, who is your all in all.
Speak to Your Mountains – turn to the east and speak – turn to the west and speak – turn to the north and turn to the south and speak – speak to Your mountains – it’s time to go – so that you can flow in His river of faith and river of trust. Now is the time to readjust Your thinking as You speak to Your Mountains – rise up – stand-up and begin to speak up.
You are a warrior, a victor, and a carrier of Your Savior and Redeemer. It’s time to see the redemption of your life and your promises. Speak to your mountains!
Speak to your health, speak to the salvation of your children, speak to your marriage, speak to your finances, speak to your ministry, speak to your creativity, and speak to your bravery for your mountains are shaking and quaking and now is the time to see the groundbreaking. YOU shall be released into a rebirth of kingdom living and kingdom glory here and now. Speak to Your mountains.
Don’t remain silent, don’t remain shy, and don’t shrink back for this is the time to take a giant leap of faith, of trust, and of heavenly boldness. Rise up to the place God is calling you. He is calling out your name. He is reassuring YOU that He is Your God who is wooing and pursuing you into a place of truth, victory, and healing.
This is the year of much grace – grace on all sides – Grace on your life – grace on your words, grace to speak out and grace on your prayers. Grace on the prayers that have been prayed for so long – grace on those areas of your life that you have felt unheard and overlooked. For His great grace is freely given with great love and assistance and with great kindness. For His grace is boundless filled and overflowing with compassion. Grace upon Grace as the Father will release new hope. Drink in His hope for His hope gives life and its abundant and plentiful to overflow and is pouring out of His Holy Mountain.
You will see living waters rush into those places that need a fresh touch of refreshment and nourishment. You will see the living waters release new awakenings from the slumber of your life. The fresh new living waters will awake those areas that have been doormat – that have been in a place of a deep sleep – for God is coming to awaken you with His kisses of love.
Awake, oh, sleeper and see His Mighty Hand raising you up from slumber. Step into life – walk into life and begin to sing into your life with songs of deliverance. Dancers begin to dance upon injustices. Now is the time to dance to the sound of His band of angels singing choruses of joy and jubilation and exultation to the only King of kings.
This is a year of exiting, leaving, and departing those areas that have kept you hostage that have kept you imprisoned. Those prison doors are wide open for you to leap and dance your way out. God has a plan just as He had a plan with Daniel in the lion’s den. You have felt devoured by the enemy of the flesh, the enemy of situational circumstances, and the enemy of this world. But God Your Creator and Deliver is saying NO MORE of the DEVOURER for now is the time for your Champion to come and rescue and redeem you for the snares of the evil one (Malachi 3:11). Liberation, Salvation, and Emancipation is camping at your door of life. Open the door of your life and begin to live life—the life the Father has designed and purposed for you to thrive in 2025.
Prayer to Speak to Your Mountains
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for giving us instructions and directions in speaking to our mountains that stand in the way. You said if we have faith as tiny as a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20-21), we can say to these mountains “move “and it shall move. For nothing absolutely, positively nothing is impossible with You; for Your Word declares whatever we ask for in Your name, we will receive it IF we have faith. And we know nothing pleases you more than faith and how You reward those who earnestly seek You.
Father, we proclaim that the Word of Your power is deeply rooted within our heart and soul in Jesus’ Name. Help us Lord, to not act, speak, nor walk in the places of fear but help us to walk by faith in Your Word and with the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 5:7). Father, you said that if we believe we will see the glory of our God and that testing of our faith produces perseverance and perseverance produces faithfulness and that can achieve the seemingly impossible. Father, as we encounter those mountains in our life that seem so big and so overwhelming, help us NOT to lean in our own understanding but to lean into YOU in all things.
Father, those mountains that confront and challenge us include our marriage, our career, our promises of old, salvation for our family and children, the prodigals, our creativity, our bravery, our financial status, and our physical health and also those who are in spiritual slumber or captivity come and awake and loose these places. Remove these giant mountains that stand in the way in Jesus’ name.
Father, we can then conquer these mountains, these towering giants, not with our human muscles but by the Spirit of God. Give us Holy Spirit’s muscles to speak, believe, and see the mountains crumble and tumble.
In Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen
Let’s step into 2025 with great expectations that Father God is with us and for us and he’s getting the bride of Christ ready because he’s coming soon. Please help Freedom House Thrive in 2025 with your generous donation which will be greatly appreciated as we step into the New Year.
You can donate today:
Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
With My Heart of Love,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry
By Mari Anne Andersen
Greetings in His Name – Jesus.
I’m simply sharing one word who is, who was, and who will always be forever and for all eternity.
J E S U S . . .
The one person who is our Priest, our Prophet and our King – J E S U S is the only one who will fulfill all prophecies. There is no other name, no other person who is Holy, Sovereign and who is our beginning and end. No other than J E S U S who is outside of time and who is time. Who rules with authority, who governs in purity, sovereignty and reigns supremacy – that name J E S U S.
J E S U S is the first, the last Adam, J E S U S is our champion and the world’s offering, and He is the majestic King over all because He is our all and all.
J E S U S is our wonderful counselor – the Mighty God and the everlasting Father, who redeems our very existence on this side of eternity and the other side for all eternity. He is our Heaven’s Bread of Life which sustains us and nourishes us and supplies us with a life that never ends. J E S U S who is breath of life – who breathes His very existence into our spirit and release hope, peace and life for evermore.
J E S U S is the ark of the covenant with His glorious seat of mercy that never ends and a continuous river of Living Waters which flows from His Holy Throne of healing.
J E S U S is high and lifted-up and his train fills the temple. And His throne is a throne of justice and love with righteousness.
J E S U S is our foundation of Righteousness and justice and the Rock of our salvation, our fortress and our deliverer that provides a solid footing that cannot and will not be shaken. God’s firm foundation stands bearing this seal: “The Lord knows those who are his”. Yes, J E S U S is our firm foundation and the horn of our salvation, our stronghold.
J E S U S is our Passover lamb, our scapegoat that carries all of our sins away and He is without blemish or spot. Perfect – pure and complete as the ultimate sacrifice.
J E S U S the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David has conquered who is worthy of all honor, glory and power forever and forever.
J E S U S our Good Shepherd who leads us and guides into all truth into a safe and protective pastures feeding our souls and anointing our heads with oil of gladness. Our Good Shepherd tends to our every need and gathers us into His arms and carries us closely to His heart of love and comfort.
J E S U S who is and who was and who is to come, J E S U S who is our advocate with the Father – the Righteous One and the Author and Perfector of our Faith. J E S U S is our Immanuel – God with us and God for us. J E S U S is our indescribable gift he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead.
J E S U S is the one who sets us free and He is our living hope our peacemaker and our way-maker our Redeemer and our Restorer and He is our Risen Lord. J E S U S is our Supreme Creator overall.
J E S U S is King of Israel, King of the Jews, King of the saints, King of Kings and King of glory and J E S U S is King over all the earth… Yes, J E S U S is Faithful and true and unwavering to justice and love and steadfast in Righteousness and Holiness.
J E S U S is supreme authority over all earthly and heavenly powers.
J E S U S our one and only true Savior of the world is coming back soon and very soon…
Who is, who was and who will always be forever and for all eternity . . . J E S U S
And just think friends we get to do life in 2025 with J E S U S so be prepared to see Him in great wonder and awe in your life, my life, the life of the church and the life of the world.
Come Jesus Come! Get ready for shock and awe for He is riding in passionate pursuit for you and for me to see glorious and wondrous miracles on display. To God be all Glory…
2025 Is A Year of Grace upon Grace upon Grace upon Grace
You can donate today:
Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
With My Heart of Love,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry
Freedom House Ministry Is A Worldwide Highway of Hope to So Many
Freedom House Ministry Is A Worldwide Highway of Hope to So Many
By Mari Anne Andersen
November 2024
Giving Tuesday is upon us, and we are reaching out to YOU to help us continue the work the Father has called us to.
- To proclaim liberty – to free those spiritually imprisoned, to heal the brokenhearted, and to comfort those who grieve. (Isaiah 6:1-4)
- To release destiny – to empower believers/clients to go forth in their gifts and talents doing good works which the Heavenly Father prepared in advance for His sons and daughters to fulfill. To experience the joy of life, fulfillment, and satisfaction in their spiritual inheritance. (Ephesians 2:10)
- To harvest humanity – to pray forth and prepare mature, obedient hard workers for the great end-time harvest. To be friends of the Bridegroom, preparing His inheritance, bride, for His coming. (Matthew 9:37-38)
Freedom House Ministry has the greatest honor and privilege to see Father God restore health and healing emotionally, relationally, and spiritually to so many throughout the years. Our mission and passion are to see heart transformation and not “just” behavior modification. Through the power of the cross and the Holy Spirit, we perform heart surgery here at Freedom House.
John Sandford, co-founder of Elijah House, is famous for this statemen:
“We are evangelists to unbelieving areas of believers’ hearts and we don’t put new patches on old garments.”
We bestow upon them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. (Isaish 61.3)
A fresh start, new beginnings along with a heart change has taken place in so many people here in the US and around the world. God loves to restore, renew, and restart people’s lives so that they can walk and live out their true identity and personality.
Freedom House Ministry Testimonies
Here are a few testimonies of how God released, restored, and reconciled people’s hearts, lives, and relationships.
- Testimony from AP
I came to Freedom House for Prayer Counseling and unlike other counselors, I was not just another client or number – I was a soul, a sister in Christ. My Prayer Counselor held me accountable for my behavior, took the time to figure out the bad fruit I had produced, the bitter root judgments I made, and the bitter expectations. This helped me think of my issues in a more objective way than from a victim mentality. Thank you, Freedom House, for your genuine love for me, and it is only the beginning of seeing God’s power which I am now more excited to impart in the lives of others. Love you all.
- Testimony from TB
God loves me so much that He healed and delivered me from my past trauma and abuse. He took the little girl—TB—and integrated her into the 57-year-old TB. This is something only God can do. Look what you’ve done for me Lord, you brought me back to life, and I am forever grateful.
- Testimony from MP
I am so thankful to be working with Freedom House. They have helped me to see a purpose and God’s work in even the most difficult situations in my life. Due to my past, I have had a tendency towards religious or legalistic thinking and attitudes. Through Freedom House, they showed me how to recognize that and let go of those strongholds. Freedom House has been a safe place where I feel I can open up and be my authentic self. I feel affirmed in who God created me to be and helped me see the Father and Jesus more accurately – as loving, gracious and kind.
- Testimony from HJ
Working with Freedom House Ministry has changed my life in so many ways. When I first started prayer counseling, I was overwhelmed, anxious and discontented, especially in my role as a mother. Through my prayer counseling sessions, we were able to uncover the roots of these emotions. I allowed Jesus to take me back to my childhood and comfort the little me that was scared and confused from multiple moves in my childhood and even into adulthood. I am so much more content and confident now, knowing who I am in Christ. Even my family and friends have noticed a difference in my demeanor. I’m bolder in my faith, open to my kingdom calling, and so excited to see where God takes me!
An Amazing Prophecy Coming True
Many years ago, there was a prophecy given to us here at Freedom House—that we would minister and teach around the world and at that time I thought: “How will that be possible, Lord?” We prayed for years: “Lord, increase my faith” and step by step, year by year we are now literally all over the world ministering and teaching without leaving our home.
However, I do believe that another paradigm shift is in the making as the Lord spoke to me a few weeks ago. It’s funny how the Lord speaks and what He uses to speak, including people, situations, and everything under the sun. A few weeks ago, our Freedom House phone number was no longer in use after 35 years. All of our stationery, business cards, website and brochures, etc. have been out there. I was not a happy camper. In other words, I was quite frustrated and aggravated over the situation. When things like this happen, I turn to Melliney, my dear friend and my intercessor to pray with me. Needless to say, God has ways to speak into the whole area a paradigm shift. Lo and behold, she had a powerful word as well as a word picture. She said God is upgrading you into this paradigm shift—an upgrade in hearing Him—and He wiped out the old so the new can come in. Her words hit the bullseye into my spirit, and I was singing praises to My Father.
On that same day, I became aware that I still had a big sunspot on my arm which had actually been there for years. It’s not so nice to look at (not cancerous). Several weeks prior I had had the doctor burn it off but only a third fell off rather than the whole thing so that it even looked uglier. I wasn’t happy because that meant going back to the dermatologist. However, that same day when Melliney gave me that word, the other section of the scab fell off completely, without any pulling or peeling. It was miraculous leaving me with no marks at all! It’s as though God gave me a fresh clean arm with no scars or remnants that there had ever been a mark, scab, or a huge sunspot. It was beautifully and wonderfully wiped away! I’m a big proponent of God speaking symbolically or in other words, through what is called “dark speech.” So, that to me was another confirmation that God is removing old and making room for the new in me and in Freedom House.
Thus, my friends, faith is a growing entity for each of us and we all have places, people, and situations that we feel are impossible. But I’m here to tell YOU He loves to grow things—faith, people, and situations into possibilities even when surrounded by an insurmountable Red Sea all around us.
So many of our clients come to Freedom House feeling hopeless, powerless, and afraid to see changes in their life and situation. They feel very stuck, just like the Israelites standing by that Red Sea surrounded by a massive body of water and the enemy on their tail. Yet, we have a God who begins with the impossible and goes on from there, to part the way!
In conclusion, I wanted to share one last testimony from a young woman. I will just share excerpts as it is several pages. Her testimony sums up what we do here at Freedom House. The true gift of reconciliation. To God be all the glory.
“Wow, I am a different person today, than 1 year ago. I feel every seed you planted in me is growing and bearing fruit and will grow and grow and bear even more fruit in the future. I have a voice; I have a heart, and I trust it. I can make my own decisions, and I have never felt that way before. I have confidence, I can move forward without a hundred crushing voices of self-doubt and condemnation. I have self-esteem and I value myself. I can hear the Lord’s voice and have strength inside of me that I never have had before. I have been taught to confront and set boundaries. I can say no, I can speak my needs and my truth.
“This has changed my relationships. I can be myself. My relationship with my parents has transformed, far from perfect but I believe you gave me ways to have conversations with them in a way that hugely protected my heart and rebuilt our relationship. You gently loved me back to life by speaking truth. You sent me that song, “Brave Heart” I cried and cried and was so encouraged. That has been your heart to me all this time, believing in me and creating a brave heart in me. I have stopped my spiritual rebellion and hating all the circumstances in my life and past. You helped me step out of spiritual captivity and being dead inside.”
Remembering Rose Marie Borrelli
As I re-read these testimonies my heart was overwhelmed with joy and thanksgiving because this is what Freedom House Prayer Counseling is all about—loving people back to life so that they can Proclaim Liberty, be Released into their Destiny, and to Harvest Humanity in serving. To God be all the Glory!
In times like this, I think about my mom, Rose Marie Borrelli, the founder of FHM, who would be blessed, amazed and shouting hallelujahs loudly and powerfully. Just know my mom is dancing on streets of gold and standing tall and whole with Jesus as they stroll arm-in-arm.
Giving Tuesday is December 3, 2024
I am personally asking if you would give a big gift to Freedom House Ministry on this Giving Tuesday. Please know that we are not a church where we regularly receive tithes. Rather we count on people like you who love this ministry, who experience and witness the fruits of this ministry.
So, I am asking you to give and please give generously, as we have many overhead needs this year due to many aspects of our ministry going up in price, including accounting, rent, insurance, etc.
Thank you for your heart for Freedom House—for our counselees and students at our Schools. You are being an integral part of helping wounded people be set free from their foundational lies, bitter roots, and inner vows and setting them on a highway of hope.
Thank you for helping them choose life!
You can donate today:
Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
With My Heart of Love,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry
Through Perseverance & Faithfulness of Our Prayers God Heard and God Answered
Through Perseverance & Faithfulness of Our Prayers
God Heard and God Answered
By Mari Anne Andersen
November 2024
Dear Friends,
We have seen the Hand of God move in our nation on November 5, 2024, and through faithful prayers of the saints He answered our pleas and petitions. Remember that God will always answer prayers who prayed in accordance with His will. His will was to see this nation come back into alignment with principles of Christianity and not the principles of wokeness, of communistic ideas, and invasion of corruption and exploitation to look the other way.
We did exactly what John Hancock stated, “Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian duty of each individual…continue steadfast and, with a proper sense your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.”
We the people spoke loudly, clearly and most definitively how we want our constitutional republic of this nation to work once again. We the people spoke that we do not want far left progressive ideologies to rule our nation, and the Body of Christ and so many others stood their ground by their voice and vote.
A wave of red was over this nation on election night. I’m not just stating here a wave of Republican wins but a wave of the Blood of Jesus covering this nation. Thus, a wave of red will be entering the White House to cleanse and purify the defilement of lies, sins, and deceit. We didn’t just win a big red wave, but we won the Hand of God with His favor, with blessings, and with a stamp of approval from Heaven.
Through the faithful saints and intercessors where many spoke through their votes was to show that we are standing up for law and order, and for uncovering and discovering the schemes of the evil one. So many saw through the lies, through the hypocrisies, and though the mockery of the media. God cut through all the hindrances, obstacles, and interruptions of this election as it was done by prayers—by cries and pleas of His people and of course, through voting your convictions. I believe our prayers this time around were robust, sobering, and forceful. Through our intercessors we got to run interference with the enemy to disrupt, upset, and mess up his schemes and plots for America.
My friends, a word of caution –
Yes, we saw victory and answered prayer, but we need to continue to pray to see our nation completely turned back to Jesus Christ and that He is Lord over this nation. We need to pray to see revival—true revival in our churches, families, and government.
We need to continue to be diligent in our prayers for this nation as we have not slayed the giant just yet. We have quieted him down, but he is still roaming and still wanting to devour. We must be people of prayer for this nation and our leaders.
Colossians 4:2 – “Devote yourselves to prayer, stay alert in it with thanksgiving.”
Just think friends, we had an audience with our King of Kings! How powerful that truly was and that He heard each of His sons and daughters.
Ephesians 2:18 – “For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.”
Ephesians 3:12 – And “In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.”
I am so grateful and thankful to each one who stood in the gap and continues to stand in the gap for our nation, leaders, and our government. That we can continue our prayers for President Trump and his White House Cabinet to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before our God.
Truly stop and realize what God did and how He did it. I have held fast to two scriptures since 2020:
Galatians 6:7 – God is a God that will NOT be mocked. So much mockery and disdain were taking place against God, against His people, and against His principles. God finally came to the place of not allowing it any longer as he was also hearing the fervent prayers of His people. He would no longer tolerate such mockery.
Philippians 1:6 – Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion. He wasn’t finished with President Trump or this nation and so God needed to bring it to completion.
If we all look back on our spiritual walk, we will see in all of our lives the places we made great strides and victories as well as disappointments and defeats, areas where we just failed or blew it. The Good News for all of us, including President Trump, is that He is not finished with any of us or with him in this Christian journey. Only God alone can accomplish His work in us.
Throughout our Christian journey, the enemy would like to threaten us and shipwreck our faith so we can feel overwhelmed, discouraged, and become ineffective. That is why we need the Body of Christ to come together and storm heaven, as well as hell, for one another and for our nation. And friends we did that, and I would like to say to each of you: “Job well done!” Keep up the good fight in and through prayer. Don’t stop now. And through perseverance and faithfulness we can achieve the seemingly impossible. To God be all the glory.
Here is what Franklin Graham shared after Donald J. Trump won!
“I thank God that @realDonaldTrump won this election! This win is historic in many ways. Millions and millions of people were praying, and I believe God heard their prayers. It’s a win for the family. It’s a win for the economy. It’s a win for millions of unborn children.
“It’s a win for freedom of speech. It’s a win for religious liberty. It’s a win for law and order. It’s a win for American manufacturing. It’s a win for coal miners. It’s a win for farmers. It’s a win for the oil and gas industry. It’s a win for national security. It’s a win against bureaucracy and government regulators. It’s a win for freedom-loving people everywhere, not just here in America, but around the world.”
You can donate today:
Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
With My Heart of Love,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry
Lord, We Need America Back in 2024!
Lord, We Need America Back in 2024!
By Mari Anne Andersen
October – November 2024
Dear Freedom House Friends,
John Adams, “The general principles on which the Fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity.”
Woodrow Wilson, “A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday, does not know what it is today, or what it is trying to do.”
George Washington, “While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian.”
Thomas Jefferson, “God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.”
John Hancock, “Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual…Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.”
James Madison, “A watchful eye must be kept on ourselves lest while we are building ideal monuments of Renown and Bliss here, we neglect to have our names enrolled in the Annals of Heaven.”
Benjamin Franklin, “The gospel of Jesus Christ prescribes the wisest rules for conduct in every situation of life. Happy they who are enabled to obey them in all situations.”
Patrick Henry, “The Bible . . . is a book worth more than all the other books that were ever printed.”
It’s evident with these few quotes, from some of the Founding Fathers and early statesmen of the USA, that they were patriots with deep convictions based on the Bible and faith in Jesus Christ. My challenge to each of you reading this is to see how American liberty depends upon our understanding and grasping these foundational principles on which our nation was built.
We need to go back to the beginning to appreciate the truths upon which our constitution is built. Therefore, our rights as “We the People” are to move in a place of duty as citizens, first of the Kingdom of Heaven and then citizens of our nation to speak out about the issues of the day.
Historically, our nation’s role back in the day was to speak out about faith and politics and how our faith had shaped our politics. Additionally, the church’s historical role has always played a critical role in speaking out about faith and politics and how faith shaped our politics. Where is our allegiance to our God and His truth and where is our allegiance to our nation under one God?
Did you know that our first three Universities established here in the US being Harvard, Yale, and Princeton were church colleges with the purpose of equipping and training for the ministry? Did you know that nearly half of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence held seminary or Bible school degrees?
Also, a decade ago a political professor at the University of Houston did a research study of our Founding Fathers and who they quoted the most by examining 3,154 documents in the early part of our country. That was the Bible—the solid rock on which they stood!
Yet, we hear so very often that phrase, “Separation of Church and State” which has actually been thrown around in a very wrong way, especially that it is NOT in the Declaration of Independence, NOT in the Bill of Rights, Nor is it in the Constitution. So, have you ever wondered what that really means and how that came into being? I’m sure you have.
Well, let’s set the record straight regarding “Separation of Church and State” so that YOU know truth and where we stand in speaking up and speaking out once and for all!! In essence, what they really are saying unbashfully, “I don’t want to hear your faith, principles, and truth because churches and Christians have no say where government and politics are concerned.” So, in other words, don’t mix religion and politics. Yet, it’s only another way to silence our voice, our opinions, and our right to express our views and values as sons and daughters of the King.
However, God commands us to have courage, to be bold in our faith, and to be a pillar of light, allowing the truth of the Bible to guide us in our daily lives in ALL areas including in the political arena and especially when it’s time to vote.
What this “Separation of Church and State” is really is saying is that the “wall of separation” is to keep government from influencing our religious practice, NOT to keep personal religious values separate from who we vote for and what issues we stand for and against.
Excerpts taken from a sermon by Ken Kersten Separation of Church and State
“It all started back in the day of 1801 with a rumor (things usually do get misconstrued with rumors). A rumor was that the Congregationalist denomination was to become the official denomination of the United States. They were alarmed and sent a letter to Thomas Jefferson. He responded with a letter back letting them know they did not have to worry about one denomination within Christianity taking over the government because, “the First Amendment has erected a wall of separation between church and state.” (that is the origin of that phrase)
So, it’s very clear here that it has nothing to do with a separation of state and Christianity, but state and one official denomination within Christianity. Jefferson went on in his letter to explain they need not fear the establishment of an official denomination, and while the wall of separation protected the church from government control, there would always be freedom of worship of all orthodox religious practices. Why? Because true religious practice would never threaten the purpose of the government.
For nearly one year the Senate and House Judiciary Committee reviewed and studied the petition to see if it would be possible to separate Christian principles from our civil government. Both returned almost identical reports! This is from the House Judiciary Committee report on March 27, 1854: “Had the people, (the Founding Fathers), during the Revolution, had a suspicion of any attempt to war against Christianity, that Revolution would have been strangled in its cradle… At the time of the adoption of the constitution and its amendments, the universal sentiment was that Christianity should be encouraged, but not any one sect (denomination).”
Additionally, it also said, “In this age, there is no substitute for Christianity… That was the religion of the Founders of the republic, and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants.”
Two months later, the House Judiciary Committee added this declaration, “The great vital and conservative element in our system (the thing that holds our system together) is the belief of our people in pure doctrine and the divine truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
So, it’s very plain and clear that the committees explained that they could NOT separate these principles of Christianity from the government. It was these precise principles that made our nation successful. Our amendment emphasizes “Congress shall make NO law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” meaning NEVER to separate Christianity from government.
It’s amazing that nearly a century and a half later the clear understanding of the first amendment was the prohibited establishing of a single national denomination; it had nothing to do with a separation of Christianity from government.
Furthermore, there was a case in 1878 called Reynolds vs. United States where a group tried to take this statement by Jefferson to prove a separation of Christianity and government. In its response, the court quoted a lengthy section of the Jefferson letter and used it as a basis to prove that it was permissible to retain Christian values, practices, and principles as official policies of the government. For the next 15 years, Jefferson’s letter was used to prove the inclusion of Christian practice and religion in government. When these debates had been settled, the letter went basically unused for the next 75 years until 1947.
Finally, there was a case Everson vs. the Board of Education where the court, for the first time, did not sight Jefferson’s letter in its entirety but instead they selected eight words from the Jefferson letter: “a wall of separation between church and state.” And the rest is history as they say.
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 2 Timothy 4:3 (NIV)
Fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. Acts 20:29-31
So, where do we go from here? My heart and message to each one of you, my dear friends, brothers and sisters in the Lord, vote according to your personal consciences and biblical values. Look at the issues and polices at hand and look at them through the lens of the Bible so that YOU will be equipped and ready to vote accordingly with the candidate’s policies and not personalities.
So many leaders are warning that we are standing at a very crucial and vital junction in our nation both morally and culturally as several earthquakes have shaken our faith, and our ability and capability to be that one nation under God, to be that light set upon a hilltop and not to be hidden. Jesus commands us to occupy until He returns. How are we occupying this nation? Is it through division and separation of God’s moral law and to be politically correct through critical race theory?
Friends, we have an audience of ONE that we are accountable to which is Jesus Christ. He is asking us to vote from a place in our hearts that align with His truths and His polices. I am now sounding the alarm, I am that watchman on the tower, and I am blowing that trumpet and telling each of you—heed the warnings, do your due diligence in finding out what are the crucial policies and don’t look at personalities. Look at what each candidate stands for. Policies will last a lifetime, but personalities come and go like the wind.
Here is a fundamental question to answer: How can we advance the Kingdom of God in and by our voting? Don’t stand on the sidelines, or don’t say I can’t vote this time around. YOU must stand in the place of truth to who God is in this election. As Christians we NEED to pray, to stand up for our biblical values, and to vote because it’s our Christian duty. Dwight D. Eisenhower said it this way, “The future of this republic is in the hands of the American voter.”
Moreover, we need to advance the Kingdom of God for the glory of God, and to see this nation turned back to the principles that motivated our Founding Fathers and early statemen. Your vote needs to be counted, your voice needs to be heard, and your discernment needs to be quickened in and by the Holy Spirit. Deception is slippery so things get slipped by because it sounds good.
Proverbs 26:24-26 – “Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit.” Many Christinas are sleeping or are getting weary in all this division and descension. See this as a battle for our nation, for our lives, our children and grandchildren’s lives. See it as good triumphs over evil and see it that we are not fighting against flesh and blood but, against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world (Ephesians 6:12).
Reminder: God uses flawed, imperfect, and sinful people because we all fall short. No one will be 100% perfect.
Sorry to tell you this that Jesus is not on the ballot.
A few final thoughts for you to consider. First, study about Israel and what the Bible talks about in the last days. Who is for Israel? Who signed the Abraham Peace Accords? Genesis 12:3 – “God says clearly, I will bless those who bless Israel, and I will curse him who curses Israel.” We need to be allies of Israel.
Secondly, ask yourself a few questions: Who gave us three Supreme Court Justices to overturn Roe vs. Wade and bring it back to the states? Who believes in killing babies in the ninth month? Who believes in no borders but believes in invasion and lawlessness by illegal immigrants coming in? Who believes in religious liberties and upholds the Constitution and does not try to change or pact the court with more Supreme Justices?
Thirdly, when thinking about the candidates ask yourself: Who is transparent (sometimes too much) and tells you what he will do and what he thinks and then follows up with what was promised? Who conceals, hides truth, (even hides in the oval office) and who hides from the news media, so they do not have to answer direct and hard questions? Who hides reports, shuts down freedom of speech? Who hides behind Hollywood and the elites? Who has lied for 3.5 years that Joe Biden was great, he was making all the decisions and that he was cognitively sound? Who lies and tells us that men can be women and women can be men?
Lastly, think about the fact that 14 States currently have what are called “Trans-gender Health Care” shield laws. Minnesota is now a trans Refuge State, meaning if a minor cannot obtain gender confirming care because one or both parents object, Minnesota law now allows courts to have quote “temporary” emergency jurisdiction over the child. Who signed this into effect? Answer: one of the persons who is running for VP. Oh, how I can go on and on. But you get my point. Which is why we need Jesus to arise so our enemies can be scattered. We need Jesus to turn this nation around, and Jesus needs YOU and me to do it. Vote because it is not just a right but it’s our duty and it’s also our duty to uphold God’s truth, beliefs, and ways.
Proverbs 14:34
“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.”
Proverbs 29:2
“When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule the people groan.”
Pray with me.
Dear Father,
We need you desperately in this election. We need You to open heaven and release Your truth and take us back to our Founding Fathers’ faith, beliefs of the Holy Bible, and Your Holy Word that is everlasting to everlasting. Lord, Your Word has not changed for it is the same yesterday, today and forever more. Open the blind eyes to see what truth is according to Your statues and percepts. Open our ears to have spiritual discernment to hear what is really being spoken so that we do not fall prey to sweet–talking words filled with empty promises. Father, let there be honest voting taking place. Keep the schemes of the enemy out so no cheating, no deception of a rigged system will take place.
Father, bring back our nation under YOU, the only true God and for Your truth to become valued and honored once again in America. For Your Word promises the truth will set us free.
Father, I ask you to pour out Your Spirit of repentance on our nation so that we can see You and find You as our forefathers found you. Lord, they were not perfect men by any means, but Lord, they sought You for wisdom, and for Your truth for they knew of Your ways through Your Word. Jesus, save America, save this nation, and save our constitutional republic.
We pray in Your precious Name Jesus, Amen.
Your Financial Gifts & Prayers Are Greatly Appreciated
The Freedom House Schools are underway as of September and the presence of the Lord is upon us with such joy and strength. Thanks for praying for each student and leader. Of course, we also continue to counsel those who are overburdened and have lost their way in life. Seeing the Lord bring resurrection power to their lives is because of your prayers and financial support, , which undergird us. We are so very thankful!
You can donate today:
Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
With My Heart of Love,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry
No, Despite All These Things Overwhelming Victory is Ours Through Christ, Who Loves Us
No, Despite All These Things Overwhelming Victory is Ours
Through Christ, Who Loves Us
Romans 8:37 (NLT)
By Mari Anne Andersen
August 2024
My prayer and hope as you read Romans 8:37 is that YOU see yourself as a winner, a champion in Christ your Savior, today. That your starting place is being a winner, a champion, and a victor in Christ. That is the foundation of which our feet are firmly planted on. These are not my words but His words to YOU.
Let’s face it—there are real problems, real trials, and battles in this life that God already warned us about. However, He also gave us promises to hold onto when those insurmountable battles begin to take hold of us.
I believe we need these daily reminders of His promises being deposited into our heart and spirit as a framework of knowing, believing, and receiving His “Overwhelming Victory.” This “Overwhelming Victory” is already ours through Christ because He loves us and desires for us to know His love continuously and regularly in all matters of life. If we have His truth of those promises for us deeply embedded in our hearts and spirits NO MATTER what we are facing, we can walk in His “Overwhelming Victory.” Being convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love—nothing—and knowing that that promise alone can lead us to His “Overwhelming Victory.”
“Overwhelming Victory”—what a powerful vision. Not just victory but “Overwhelming Victory” which means irresistible, crushing, and awe-inspiring victory.
I think for so many of us, we perceive ourselves as losers, mistakes, and failures and that can be a big problem because as we think so we are. (See Proverbs 23:7) What we think and believe will affect our personhood in Christ as well as with others.
My question to you is: “How do YOU think of yourself?” As a loser, as a mistake, as a handicap to others, to life, and to your circumstances?
Our mind and spirit are the most powerful tools that God has given to you and me because they can and will shape our reality. They will control our life, and will create our world either as a loser or as a winner.
I genuinely believe what we choose to focus on will be vital and a fundamental priority for us to step into the reality of the Kingdom of truth. Certainly, it’s not by the world’s standards of truth and reality but by our Savior’s Kingdom truth. If we choose to focus on the promises of the Kingdom then we will empower, enable, and inspire our mind and spirit to soar in His love. Then His Kingdom truth and reality will flow through us and into every circumstance releasing in us His “Overwhelming Victory.”
As Paul states it, Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8 KJV) (emphasis added)
It’s hard to believe, but this very statement was written by Paul in the most dire and insurmountable situation. He was in prison! His conditions were awful and dreadful, and yet he focused on His Savior’s Kingdom of truth not on his present situation. He focused on rejoicing and eager expectation. His hope and confidence were in Christ because Paul filled and flooded his thoughts and spirit with the Kingdom of Truth and “Overwhelming Victory.”
When we dwell on the things of this fallen world—the “prisons” where we find ourselves—we will move in fear, doubt, and anger along with a network of self-pity, anxiety, and worry. We need to see from heaven’s perspective and promise what “Overwhelming Victory”really means.
To expand our understanding of this verse,I want to introduce you to other translations of Romans 8:37:
- No, all these things we are more than victorious through Him who loved us – (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
- No, in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us! (Good News Translation)
- None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us – (The Message Tranlation)
- No! In all these things we will do more than win! We owe it all to Christ, who loved us. (New International Reader’s Version)
- Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. (KJV)
A few phrases stand out: more than victorious through Him; complete victory through Him; we will do more than win; more than conquerors; and none of this fazes us! Such powerful, so formidable, and so resolute are these promises from our Savior and from our heavenly Father who loves us and loves to see us move and breathe in Him and through Him in “Overwhelming Victory.”
Next, I would like to take you on a little cruise of what “more than conquerors” means from the Greek because I believe this holds even a stronger and more determined meaning for us to anchor in. This excerpt is from Denise Renner.
“More than conquerors comes from the Greek word “hupernikos”, a compound of the words “huper” and “nikos.” By joining the words “huper” and “nikos” together into one word, Paul is making one fabulous, jammed-packed, power-filled statement about you and me.
The words “more than” are derived from the Greek word “huper”, which literally means over, above, and beyond. It depicts something that is way beyond measure. It carries the idea of superiority – something that is utmost, paramount, foremost, first-rate, first-class, and top-notch; greater, higher, and better than; superior to; preeminent, dominant, and incomparable; more than a match for; unsurpassed, unequaled, and unrivaled by any person or thing.
Now Paul uses this same word to denote the kind of conquerors we are in Jesus Christ. We are huper-conquerors! Paul uses this word “huper” to dramatize our victory.
We are greater conquerors, superior conquerors, higher and better conquerors! We are more than a match for any foe!
We are utmost conquerors, paramount conquerors, top-notch conquerors, unsurpassed conquerors, unequaled and unrivaled conquerors!
When you put these two words together, they form the word “hupernikos,” which declares that in Jesus Christ, YOU are an overwhelming conqueror, a paramount victor, or an enormous overcomer. This word is so power-packed that one could interpret it as a phenomenal, walloping, conquering force!.”
WOW! I would say begin to look at yourself in this way regardless of your present and/or past struggles and begin to see what God sees in YOU. Begin to declare who YOU are in Him and begin to see yourself from the Kingdom’s truth—for that is YOUR reality. “A Walloping and Conquering Force!”
To drive the point futher home, I remember reading this story years ago in my early 30’s, and I have never forgotten it. It gives you a true picture or visual of what it means to be more than a conqueror, more than winners, and living in His “Overwhelming Victory.” I pray that this story will release a new spiritual vision to see in His Kingdom reality when He sees YOU.
Imagine a prize fighter who trains rigorously for a big match. He endures countless hours of grueling workouts, sparring sessions, and strict diets. On the day of the match, he steps into the ring and fights with all his might. Despite his best efforts, he loses the match. He’s bruised, battered and defeated.
However, after the match, something unexpected happens. Jesus steps into the ring, takes the prize check meant for the winner, and hands it to the prize fighter. The fighter didn’t win the match, but he receives the reward as if he had. This is a powerful illustration of grace and victory we have in Christ.
Jesus took the blows, the pain, and the suffering on our behalf. Through His sacrifice, we are more than conquerors. We receive the reward of eternal life and victory of sin, not because of our own efforts, but because of what Jesus has done for us.
Clearly, this story represents something so powerful that as we are in Him, as we are focused on His truths, His promises and all of His possibilities we can experience “Overwhelming Victory” despite our circumstances. We can have and gain a decisive victory in our battle. We can have a battle cry of “Overwhelming Victory” in Christ despite our difficult condition. We can share in the glory of more than, above and beyond measure, walking in His supremacy and authority that is paramount in ALL things, in ALL trials, and ALL tribulations because we ARE more than conquerors.
Whatever your battle is right now, move into faith like Paul did when in prison in the New Testament and what Jehoshaphat did when facing a vast army in the Old Testament. Even in his fear, he set his face to seek the Lord and prayed in 2 Chronicles 20:12-13—Our eyes are on you and God gave a Word: “Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours, but God’s…You will not need to fight in this battle. Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the LORD on your behalf. (2 Chronicles 20:15, 17) Thus, God brought about a great victory, an “Overwhelming Victory,” more than a conqueror’s victory.
Remember: The fullness of God dwells in Jesus and our identity as a son and daughter is rooted, embedded, and established in who Jesus is and what He has done for you and for me. We are in Him and find our completeness as all His promises are “Yes” and “Amen.” (2 Corinthians 1:20)
For we are joint-heirs, alive with Christ, under divine grace as we are one with Christ, and made righteous in Him, and have the complete acceptance and forgiveness and redemption along with peace beyond comprehension. To know His love will never fail us, He will always fight for us, He will supply all of our needs in Christ Jesus. He promised all things will work for good to those who love Him (Romans 8:28), and He will finish the work He started within us and the best promise of all—He will never leave us nor forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)
FHM Updates
- FHM Facilitated Elijah House Schools begin Saturday, September 14, 2024. Come and see how good the Lord is and experience power on high as we adventure together through realms of healing, love, and growth. Although the official application deadline has past, you can still register, c ontact Dorie Lorden, 224-434-1200 or
- Tommy & Mari Anne just came back from a great trip to Norway visiting family and friends.
- This summer was spent with some time away teaching and ministering, and some fun in the sun with the grandkids at home.
- The Mentorship Program went very We had several guest speakers who gave more in-depth understanding and their wisdom on several topics including Deliverance, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), Personality Disorders, and Transgender. We were pleased with this Mentorship Pilot Program and will tweak the details moving into this new ministry year.
Thank You For Your Prayers & Finanacial Gifts
We know that charitable giving is not front of mind for donors during the summer like it is at other times of the year. Vacations/traveling, family visits, taking the grandkids on outings, gardening, hiking and biking, beach and oceanside relaxtions are top and center, and rightly so. Yet the work of FHM prayer ministry counseling goes on as many feel the lonliness of not being able to partake in those summertime activities with family and friends. Also, with September coming up, FHM has the additional tasks of planning for the new 2024-25 FHM School Year, reaching out to perspective students, handling registations, and training staff. So, each donation is more important than ever during this time due to the decrease in giving volume. Thank you, «First_Name», so very much for your generous financial gift at this time of year. Please know that we never take that for granted.
You can donate today:
Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
Also, I would love to pray for YOUR MIRACLE! Please send me your request for YOUR miracle via email, and I will faithfully stand with you to see your miracle come into reality.
With My Expectant Heart for Your Miracle and My Grateful Heart for Your Donation,
With My Burning Heart of Love & Thankfulness,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry
Shaping a Genesis Week from the Chaos of My Life
Shaping a Genesis Week from the Chaos of My Life
By Mari Anne Andersen
June 2024
God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life. Don’t throw me out with the trash or fail to breathe holiness in me. Bring me back from gray exile, put a fresh wind in my sails! Give me a job teaching rebels your ways so the lost can find their way home.
Psalm 51:10-13 (The Message)
A fresh start, new beginnings, a name change, and a heart change as well as a mind change from the chaos of our lives can give way to our true identity, true personality, and true destiny. So, let’s look at what the Lord has done in my life, in the lives of our students and clients. In this special newsletter, I will be sharing a few testimonies where God truly came to do a mighty work of salvation, redemption, and transformation.
Freedom House has been dedicated for the last 30 plus years to release the Good News that with God all things are possible. Through our Prayer Counseling, our Schools, and our Seminars, we see God’s glorious and wondrous healing love springing up in people’s lives. Truly, it is an honor and privilege to watch and witness such miraculous transformations. We actually see how our vision statement for Freedom House literally comes into full reality in people’s lives based on God’s promises.
“Proclaiming Liberty” is to free those spiritually imprisoned,
to heal the broken hearted and to comfort those who grieve.
Isaiah 61:1-4“Releasing Destiny” is to empower believers to go forth in their gifts and talents doing good works which the heavenly Father prepared in advance for His sons and daughters to fulfill.
Ephesians 2:10“Harvesting Humanity” is to pray forth and prepare mature, obedient,
hard workers for the great end-time harvest.
Matthew 9:37-38
FHC in the following Testimonies designates the Freedom House Counselor
Testimony # 1 – AP
For the last two years, I struggled with a break-up, where the pain of the break-up has lived longer than the relationship itself. The longevity of this hurt had left me confused, wondering why I was still grieving over a man that mistreated me on so many levels more than he treated me well. We never had one good week. It was always some drama. A lie here, a yell there, his way or the highway all the time. Why did he still live in my heart? Why is there still a pit in my stomach even when I wake up in the morning, the pain is there. The freedom of not being broken hearted has been a longing that has never been fulfilled.
The grief of that relationship brought the previous rejections (and they were more than I can count) and abandonment from previous relationships where my soul has unconsciously longed for the love, affirmation, and validation that I never consistently had, especially from a father. My mother got on drugs when I was about 9 years old; my stepfather was my caregiver, but a habitual cheater. My biological father never accepted me. I was so broken and didn’t know, that was probably why I was attracting and chasing other broken men. But I know two broken-people do not make a whole person.
I tried counseling from many so-called Christian counselors who told me to listen to a lot of worldly men, and even encouraged sexual immorality. I fasted, prayed, ended all communication with my ex, got in a single Christian’s accountability group, but the pain never subsided. Life just became unbearable, and though I mustered up enough courage to live life, part of me didn’t care if I died because I felt so alone. What is the purpose of life if nobody cares about me, no accomplishment even mattered. Many times, I just laid in a dark room all day and cried. Even in my dreams, my ex would reject me. All I could think was that all the sins I have committed, I was paying for them and then some.
Then I came to Freedom House for Prayer Counseling and met my FHC. Unlike other counselors, I was not just another client or a number—I was a soul, and I was her sister in Christ. She prayed with me, allowing the Holy Spirit to enter our sessions, held me accountable for my behavior, and took the time to figure out the bad fruit I had produced, the bitter root judgments I made, the bitter expectations, and the bitter roots. This helped me think about my issues in a more objective way rather than from a victim mentality. I have processed my pain and the root of it to ascertain why I continued in certain patterns because I’m yearning for a father’s affirmation and nurture, something I had never experienced.
I realized the pain I was feeling is not really about my ex, but rather some of the things he has given for me that I always longed for, including a taste of marriage, which I had never experienced, and actually missed. This has caused me to soak in the Father’s presence and receive true love from him so I will desire, but never be desperate for human love. I have accepted this season in my life, and though I am not fully where I desire to be, I know I am not where I was a year ago. I am living with faith and hope that God gives good gifts, and he will give me good gifts, and provide a testimony that I am humbled by when it comes to my future husband.
So, thank you Freedom House for your genuine love for me, celebrating me on my birthday. Love you all, and it is only the beginning of seeing God’s power which I am now more excited to impart in the lives of others. Love you all.
Testimony #2 – TB
Last year I came to the Freedom House Graduation to support one of my best friends who graduated. Little did I know it was a “set-up” from God. I remember telling God if I too can live in complete freedom from my past, I was all in. I wanted it so bad. In the past few years, I have seen my life as an onion. The Lord would randomly show as the layers were being peeled away.
I would always say the further I get to the inside of the onion the slinkier it gets, but what I’ve learned is that on the very inside of the onion is where my freedom stands. So, this powerful testimony starts at the moment I heard the Lord speaking to me in my quiet time with him. You see I’ve lived a life of trauma and abuse since I was in my mother’s womb.
The Lord spoke to me to get in the car and go to each and every home where I had experienced trauma and abuse and seek Him. I wrote all the addresses down and there were 11. ELEVEN! In our small group one Saturday, my FHC prayed over each and every address. I was ready!!!
So, I was chauffeured around town on a mission to carry out the most important day of my life. I didn’t know what was going to happen at each address until I got there. This was one of the hardest things God has ever asked me to do. The beginning was at 848 8th Street. This is the home I lived in as an infant. This home was filled with hurt and violence. I didn’t know until I was an adult that My father didn’t show up the day I was born. Instead, he was out drinking with friends. He also left when I was 3, and I never saw him again. He never came back for me, but when we parked in front of the house all the emotions came flooding out. God showed up! My friend and I began celebrating my life! Praising God for little TB.
My mom remarried, but I never knew he wasn’t my real dad until I was 10 which brings me to this next address on Linway Drive. I found this newspaper clipping in the basement one day when I was 10. It was a divorce announcement with my mom’s name on it. I was confused and I remember just crumpling up the paper and throwing it. Well, my mom found it and asked who threw it there. I said it was me, and I was confused. It was then that she told me that my dad that I had grown up wasn’t my real Dad and that was it! I then began a life of sadness, rejection, loneliness and not feeling like I belonged anywhere.
When I sat in front of this house and prayed, the Lord showed me a vision of me standing in the front yard with a beautiful dress and gift after gift being laid at my feet. The next several addresses were where I lived as an adult. I married not once, but twice to very abusive men and lived through some of the most horrifying, traumatic, and painful moments of my life.
God healed me and spoke to me at the next nine homes. I was being freed from my past. Roots were pulled out, the victim mentality left me as I was being obedient to Him. I saw in visions that day all my stuff being given back to me. The Lord showed me trailers filled with promises and with everything the enemy has stolen from me. Although this was one of the hardest moments in my life, I knew I had to say yes! God loves me so much that He healed and delivered me from my past of trauma and abuse. He took little TB and integrated her in to 57-year-old TB. This is something only God can do. Look what you’ve done in me Lord. You brought me back to life, and I am forever grateful.
Testimony #3 – MP
I am so thankful to be working with my FHC at Freedom House Ministry. She has helped me to see a purpose and God’s work in even the most difficult situations in my life. Instead of looking on past relationships with defeat, I now see them through a lens of what God was teaching me through them.
Due to my past, I have had a tendency towards religious or legalistic thinking or attitudes, and my FHC has gently showed me how to recognize that and let go of those strongholds. She has encouraged and taught me to use my voice and speak my truth with love and not fear. For example, there were times I had to have some difficult conversations with people in my life, but I wanted to speak words that, while true, lacked the love and grace of Jesus.
I believe in those situations my FHC’s counsel beforehand literally helped save the relationship from the injury I may have caused through harsh or judgmental communication.
She has been a safe place where I feel I can open up and be my authentic self. She has made me feel affirmed in who God created me to be, and helped me see the Father and Jesus more accurately—as loving, gracious, and kind. I think it’s because the Lord is invited into every counseling session through prayer, and that’s what makes it so special and makes breakthrough happen.
Testimony #4 – HJ
Working with my FHC and Freedom House Ministry has changed my life in so many ways. When I first started prayer counseling, I was overwhelmed, anxious, and discontent, especially in my role as a mother. Through my counseling sessions I was able to uncover the roots of these emotions, many of which went back to instability from multiple moves in my childhood and even into adulthood. I didn’t see the frequent moving as something I needed to grieve.
Through prayer, I allowed Jesus to take me back to my childhood and comfort the little me that was scared and confused. I am so much more content and confident now, knowing who I am in Christ. Even my family and friends have noticed a difference in my demeanor. I am bolder in my faith, open to my kingdom calling, and so excited to see where God takes me!
Testimony #5 – MG
Counselling with two FHCs has been absolutely life-changing. I am a different person today than I was 6 months ago when we started, and I know there’s even more to come. First, I have never been more intimate and closer to the Lord before. I always felt he was a faraway father who was mad at me. But these ladies have spoken truth into my life and prayed for me in a way that has revealed a sweetness and tenderness in the Lord that I had never experienced before. I used to be extremely weak, scared, and insecure. They have built my inner strength through prayer, truth, encouragement, and helping me walk out God’s principles in my life. I feel I am more like ‘myself’ than I have ever been since I was a young child. They have really helped me understand my past and trauma (which I didn’t even know existed) and walk out of it and start healing from it!
Also, I was going through extreme turmoil with my family that I had not been able to resolve for several years. They helped me spiritually individuate from them, but also really practically know how to navigate extremely tense situations with them so I could be set free from human expectation and pressure that was not from God. I felt I was Joseph coming out of prison! I have been the happiest, most whole, and free I have ever been in my life, and I know it’s just the beginning. My FHC has also given me so many life-changing books, videos, and resources. I thank God so much for how He has mightily worked through her and healed my heart in a way that I never thought was possible. I am so grateful for her and to the Lord. His amazing healing power has been ministered to me so much through these vessels. THANK YOU!
Testimony #6 – TR
Making the call to Freedom House for a counseling appointment a few years ago was one of the most unexpected actions I have ever done. Hadn’t I gone through counseling over ten years previously, and, over time, thought I was healed and healthy? However, life happened. I had scars as well as fresh wounds. I found myself ill-equipped to bear the weight of this accumulation. I knew if I wanted a healthier life I could call Freedom House for solid counsel.
From my initial call (several years ago) to the present, I have never felt judged. Through counseling I have been encouraged, prodded (I mean this in the most loving way), prayed for, and given direction from my FHC. My previous outlook has transformed from hopelessness and shame-filled to having hope, direction, and anticipation. God is touching my very soul through the counseling I am undergoing. My relationships with others have improved, but more important, my relationship with myself has improved exponentially. My FHC has imparted courage as I navigate the layers of life. While my call a few years ago was unexpected (to me), it was also one of the most liberating actions I have done. How grateful I am that God has provided this for me.
My heart spills over with thanks to God for the way he continually empowers me, and to our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, who found me trustworthy and who authorized me to be his partner in this ministry.
1 Timothy 1:12 – (Passion Translation)
Freedom House Ministries Updates
- The FHM Schools – 2023-24 School Year Graduation was April 27, 2024, with Andrew Whalen, founder of Vanquish Prophetic Warriors, as our guest speaker. It was a great time, and the testimonies were outstanding! We also had joy and laughter from one of our own students, a true comedian, who does comedy routines. The 2024-25 Schools will be starting on September 14, 2024, with New, Repeat and Audit Applications due Wednesday, August 21.
- FHM Mentorship Program – We have been training and interning 12 interns who have graduated from Courses 201 and 202. This mentorship has been a great and fruitful time over these last 12 months. Intern Duties: They were Small Group Leaders this School year. In Prayer Counseling sessions, each Intern sits in with Tommy or me, so they are getting “hands-on” training. Then after each session we have a debriefing time. The next stage will
be moving the Interns into leading the counseling sessions themselves while Tommy or I observe.
- Special Mentorship Program Trainings – The following key topic trainings were held via live Zoom for the Interns taught by our FHM friends and experts:
DID (Multiple Personalities) Dr. James Friesen, PhD
Depression, Anxiety Issues, and Personality Disorders by Dr. Grant Mullen, PhD
Deliverance by Mark Sandford, Director Elijah Rain Ministries
Trans-Formation – A former Transgender Responds to LGBTQ by Dr. Linda A. Seiler, PhD on her own eleven-year journey out of transgender desires and same-sex attractions who is now an ordained Assemblies of God minister. - Invitations for Prayer Counseling – Tommy and I have several invitations this summer to travel and teach: Kansas City for 9 teachings, Michigan for a Marital Intensive Weekend, and Bloomington, IL for teaching and sharing.
- Prayer Counseling Ministry in Russia – I have my first invitation from Russia to minister to a young woman; we are trying to work out a translator. This is big!
- FHM Prayer Counseling Ministry – All is going extremely well and there is even a waiting list. That is one of the main reasons we are training and equipping Interns, as we need help with all the counseling.
- Our Children and Grandchildren – Karin Marie, Fillip, and Markus, our three children, are doing so very well, and we are so blessed by all of them. And of course,our great, wonderful, absolutely precious, and beautiful six grandchildren—Bram, Emerson, Soren, Sommer Grace, Mai Marie, and Rune—are growing greater and more glorious each day. Our hearts are overflowing with having all our grandchildren very close by. One of the greatest moments in our lives as grandparents is when we go to their sports games. In those moments while watching them play, we feel “all is well in the world.”
Let giving flow from your heart, not from a sense of religious duty. Let it spring up freely from the joy of giving – all because God LOVES hilarious generosity.
2 Corinthians 9:7 (TPT)
As the Director of FHM, I am asking for your prayerful consideration of giving generously and liberally from your heart. During the summertime, financial giving goes down as people are planning for their vacations. It is always a challenging time. Therefore, I appeal to YOU to seek God to see what He would have you do.
Directing FHM is one of my greatest passions and reading just “some” of the many testimonies that we have shared with you in this letter gives my heart and faith an overflow of gratitude. Honestly speaking, I need to appeal to Heaven as well as to YOU to help support FHM either with a one-time generous gift or an on-going monthly gift. We NEED you to dig deep into the place of God’s heart to see what He would have you do. It’s YOUR ongoing financial partnership with us and YOUR prayers that make it possible for Freedom House to bring a Genesis week to the chaos of many lives that reach out to us in desperation.
I thank you in advance for your prayers, your giving, and your thanksgiving in how God worked through the years and how He changes lives as you partner with us financially.
You can donate today:
Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
Also, I would love to pray for YOUR MIRACLE! Please send me your request for YOUR miracle via email, and I will faithfully stand with you to see your miracle come into reality.
With My Expectant Heart for Your Miracle and My Grateful Heart for Your Donation,
With My Burning Heart of Love & Thankfulness,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry
You, Me and Jonah More in Common than You Think
You, Me and Jonah
More in Common than You Think
By Mari Anne Andersen
April 8, 2024
Dear Family & Friends,
This article on Jonah and Nineveh was actually written back on November 21, 2023, but I did not send it out to you. No, question God was speaking to me back then, but I did not release it until now. This article was sitting in the “Press-Room” of God until the right time.
Throughout the lessons in my walk with the Lord of 49 years, I have come to rely on some of my favorite scriptures because I see the beauty in them, I see the wisdom in them, and I have lived in the reality of them. Thus, I have experienced depth and truth in each of my favorite passages:
- He has made everything beautiful and appropriate in His time. Ecc. 3:11 (Amp.)
- And we know that to them that love God ALL things work together for good, even to them that are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (American Standard)
- Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much. Luke 16:10 (NIV)
So, with that being said, let’s dive into the book of Jonah who has great insights of God’s amazing grace and His abounding love especially towards the prodigals, towards the Christian who has a hard time speaking up for truth, and for those who are sitting on the fence where America is concerned with compromise, wickedness, and wokeness.
I pray that this little bitty book would open your eyes and heart even more to an all-consuming, all-compassionate God who is gracious, slow to anger and abounding in amazing love. We will also see in this book of Jonah how the Spirit of God “Loves His Enemies.” Furthermore, we will see God’s great merciful heart towards Jonah himself even when he get’s angry with God, has a pity party, and sulks because God’s enemies turned from their wicked ways and repented.
I also pray that you will see the significance and importance of what is happening on April 8th with the Solar Eclipse and with America, along with what God is calling us to do – which is R E P E N T. (More about the eclipse at the end).
Sit back, get a cup of coffee or a cup of tea, and sip in each word of this article because I believe God has released something in me to give to YOU in your season of your life and in the season of our times.
Know this my friend, YOUR prodigal, like Jonah himself, cannot outrun God for He is everywhere in your prodigal’s life and is always pursuing him/her to come home. Just think, a city that was so hell-bent in sin, idolatry, evil, and perversity, yet God destined the people to not perish but be saved and redeemed. The entire city turned to God and God saved them all! America needs to see this happen NOW!
America is in a place in which all hell has been released, America is in a place of an “Anti-Christ” spirit, and America and the White House are going against God’s Holy Word bluntly celebrating dreadful acts of stupidity, foolishness, and insanity while serving up evil nationwide.
I pray that the eyes of your understanding will be opened to see how many of us have a “Jonah-like” attitude in our nature. The places of selfishness, the places of anger and even the places of “NO’s” with God in what He is calling for us to do in our walk with Him as mature sons and daughters.
Therefore l, that call is to stand up for truth when lies are being preached, when the “softness” of the Gospel is being shared (meaning don’t offend anyone with God’s truth) in His Word. God is calling on each of us to get out of our “Comfort-Zones” or out of our “Pet-Sins” of compromise and out of our smelling stench of rebellion.
This is a very strategic and pivotal time in our history, and it’s not a time to run away from Nineveh nor is it a time to hide in the belly of the boat.
The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before.” But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish.
Jonah 1:1-3 (NIV)
Nineveh, as many of you might know, was the capital of the Assyrian Empire and was a large and prominent city in its day. It was not a city of Israel at all; God called Jonah to go to a very pagan and very evil Gentile city and call them to repentance. The Ninevites were the most wicked, brutal, and evil people who ever lived on this earth – The Assyrians.
Sadly, to say, America has turned the corner and is beginning to smell like Nineveh – the stench of evil and the hand of corruption and the celebration of immortally along with brutality of murdering the innocent and the youth rising up to go against the law of the land and inciting violence against police.
Our nation has not completely gone to the depth of the Assyrians; however, we have been on the road to major destruction with wokeness, being above the law, and acts of Anti-Christ thinking with idolatry of power, greed, and evil.
Where are YOU being like Jonah trying to escape what God is telling you to share with others about God’s truth? Where are YOU running away from God’s call and purpose in your life? Are YOU disobeying God’s directive and running in the complete opposite direction of God’s plan and will?
Jonah determined in his mind and heart that he didn’t want to go to Nineveh and tell them to repent from their wicked ways, to tell them they are headed for disaster, annihilation, and extinction. I’m sure he felt it was a treacherous and dangerous task as well as a very uncomfortable message to preach.
Thus, Jonah buys a ticket for Tarshish, and flatly refuses and disobeys God and runs into the most remote part of the world in the opposite direction to Tarshish. He was running towards isolation and separation, while distancing himself from God. My friends, we are all created with a purpose, a mission, and a destiny. And IF you don’t believe that or understand that, you will run far away from your God. And we will take different journeys in our life and in the process we will prolong, delay, and even sabotage His glorious plan for our lives. God wants us to NEVER lose sight of our purpose and our destiny on this side of eternity.
Have you lost your way and are you running to Tarshish? That could look like turning the other way of what is happening in our nation today. That could look like burying your head in the sand, and it could look like escaping into apathy and compromise. Where is your remote place of escape which takes YOU down to the ship of sleeping and slumbering and closing off from the world like Jonah tried to do?
UNTIL a pretty bad storm begins all around us and it’s getting darker and dimmer day by day. No matter where you turn you see craziness in allowing illegals to invade our borders, seeing all the crime and its broken laws from judges and officials. Our nation has degenerated faster than we imagined, resulting in tragedy after tragedy. Severe unrest in the Middle East, the world on the brink of war, murder rates like never before, laws being past to harm our children through manipulation of the transgender world and hatred for Israel that is rampant and widespread.
Then the Lord sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up. All the sailors were afraid, and each cried out to his own god. And they threw the cargo into the seas to lighten the ship. But Jonah had gone below deck, where he lay down and fell into a deep sleep. The captain went to him and said, “How can you sleep? Get up and call on your god! Maybe he will take notice of us so that we will not perish.”
Jonah 1:4-6 (NIV)
God is calling YOU to get up—to awaken from sleep—and is calling you to repent so that America will NOT perish. God is calling YOU to have a holy fear of what is happening all around us. He is calling YOU to speak out, speak up, and to address sin as sin and not to sugarcoat it any longer. Whether you are a priest, a pastor, or an everyday Christian, we cannot be silent any longer. We cannot run from God any longer, and we cannot bury ourselves in silence any longer.
We pray, O Lord, please do not let us parish for this man’s life and do not charge us with innocent blood; for You, O Lord, have done as it pleased You.
Jonah 1:16 (NKJV)
There’s something my mother used to say when we get to an intersection of our lives or at a crossroads in our life that needed to make a drastic change. Honestly, I believe it’s not just the believer at a crossroad now, but America is at a crossroad. Rose Marie Borrelli would say it this way, “What, So What, Now What.”
Friends, we are at the “NOW WHAT.” There are people of our nation saying the same thing: O Lord, we pray, please do not let us parish.
I believe God is giving us a message for today that is clear and precise of warning and of redemption if we take heed. Jonah had many struggles with what God wanted him to do. However, through his struggles and rebellion, God did grant Jonah a second chance to do what was right in the sight of the Lord. I think he thought long while sitting in the smelly belly of the whale that God is one of compassion and mercy and will go to any lengths to get our attention to turn from our evil ways to see His ways of love, truth, and freedom by and through repentance. The Body of Christ and America has strayed far away from God’s ways and have fallen deeply into sinful, indifference, and compromising ways.
And Jonah began to enter the city on the first day’s walk. Then he cried out and said, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.” Jonah 3:4 (NKJV)
This is a time in our nation, in our history and in our individual junctures to embrace the warning signs and the messages of a nation NOT being under God. God is extending, calling and inviting us to embrace this time for repentance and for reformation and for turning from our sinful ways. PLEASE – PLEASE! Let’s return to God’s loving embrace and grace.
God poured out His enduring mercy to the Ninevites and I believe He will pour out His enduring mercy to the Americans IF we turn – IF we repent and IF we stand up and speak out for His truth. He is calling for YOU and for ME to be a Jonah. We need God’s transformative power and they only way we can receive it is by repenting for our own ways of apathy and then going out to witness truth to others.
I believe there is much prophetic urgency regarding the April 8, 2024, total Solar Eclipse and how it will complete an X over the US. I also believe this is America’s wake-up call to give us a second chance and we need to continue to pray for true repentance in our land and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and salvations. Our land is in desperate need of healing. America is profusely bleeding out, and the ONLY one who can stop the bleeding is Jesus Christ through the gift of repentance so that we can receive his grace and mercy.
Through and in this Solar Eclipse I believe God is speaking to us and below I have given you links and articles to learn more about how God is speaking to us and how the signs in the heavens are equipping us with spiritual strategies so that we can navigate these times.
The Heavens declare the glory of God
(Psalm 19)And God said, “Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from night; and let them be signs and for seasons and for days and years and let them be lights in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth. And it was so.
(Genesis 1:14-19)
Excellent Resources to Learn More
- Episode 1333: April 8th Solar Eclipse: God’s Hidden Message To America – Lance Wallnau
- #daystar #daystartv #daystartelevisionnetwork #TroyBrewer #SolarEclipse #April8 #April8thEclipse #TimesandSeasons #SignsandSeasons #HeavenlySigns #SignsintheSky #Significance #EndTimes #Interpretation #Meaning
- Decoding Heaven’s Message: Spiritual Meanings of the 2024 Great American Eclipse – Charisma News (
- In an exclusive interview with Charisma News, Pastor Troy Brewer shares a powerful message, delving into the spiritual meanings and biblical signs behind the Great American Eclipse.
- Comparing life to a ship, he urged everyone to shift from a laid-back “cruise ship” attitude to a more alert “battleship” mindset. The key, according to Brewer, is to live as though we’re truly in the End Times, keeping our focus on Jesus and holding onto a deep respect for God.
- A major highlight of Pastor Brewer’s talk is the upcoming Great American Eclipse which will take place April 8.
- Referring to Jesus’ words about signs in the sun, moon, and stars in Matthew 24, Brewer pointed out the significance of this celestial event, signaling the start of a crucial seven-year cycle since the last major American eclipse in 2017.
Let’s Prayer
Dear Sweet Father God,
We thank You that You are a great and awesome God, and YOU always fulfill your promises and fulfill your covenant without fail, for You are always intentional and always purposeful in our lives and in our nation. And Creator God, You are always speaking to us through signs, seasons, and the heavens for they do declare Your glory.
Father, you have called us to be truth seekers and truth-tellers, so I ask in Your name, Jesus to help us to walk in Your truth, to share Your truth even if it feels uncomfortable. Stretch us, O Lord, so we can engage with Your Spirit of power and light to release love and truth in these turbulent times. Give us courage, give us bravery, and give us the inner fortitude to stand in the gap for our bleeding America. Father, let us get real with what is happening today. Open the eyes of our understanding—not the world’s understanding but of Your kingdom’s understanding.
Father, may we all be aware of our personal sin and may we be aware of not only what we need to do for our soul but also for the soul of America. Give us the ”gift of repentance.” Give us the backbone in prayer to stand in the gap for those who rush in to do evil and to do harm to our families, our children, and churches as well as our nation.
Give us a clean heart. Give us pure motives and give us intentionality to seek Your forgiveness of sins in Jesus’ name. Father, You promised that if we confess our sins, You will be faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. Father, let us confess our desperate need for You. Help us to turn around and help us to head into the direction of Your sovereignty and purity.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
You can donate today:
Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
Also, I would love to pray for YOUR MIRACLE! Please send me your request for YOUR miracle via email, and I will faithfully stand with you to see your miracle come into reality.
With My Expectant Heart for Your Miracle and My Grateful Heart for Your Donation,
With My Burning Heart of Love & Thankfulness,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry
Weep No More in 2024
Weep No More in 2024
The Lion of Judah Will Roar
By Mari Anne Andersen
Then one of the elders said to me, “Stop weeping. Look! The mighty Lion of Judah’s tribe, the root of David – he has conquered! He is the worthy one who can open the scroll and its seven seals.
Rev 5:5 (The Passion)
It’s Time for The Lion of Judah to Roar in 2024! No More Weeping – For the Lion of Judah Comes Loudly, Boldly and Triumphantly to Protect His Family – to Protect His Tribe and to Reclaim His Prodigals.
It’s A Sound of His Warring Shofar trumpeting to stand against the evil injustices and the tyranny of calamity.
Louder and Louder – Mightier and Mightier will the Lion of Judah Roar in 2024!
My people – YOU must Stand Strong – YOU must Stand Firm to Hear His Roar in 2024. 2024 will be His Roar!
Charging into the Jungle of lies. Charging into the weeds of deception and charging into the wildness of His prey. For the Lion of Judah will overtake and dominate with His Mighty Roar of Truth, Justice, and Deliverance.
Stand on the Side of His Light and Love – See, Hear and Listen, for the Roar of Truth will Abide and NOT Subside.
Fear Not! For your Lion of Judah shall Rise Up with Justice and Liberation!
Yes, it’s the sound of Warring Angels – It’s the Angel Armies coming to conquer – He’s roaring and thundering in our midst!
For the Lion of Judah Fights our Battles – He Fights for Truth, Justice, and Deliverance!
For this is a time to rise up, to mount up on His mighty armor of power and truth. This is not a time to run and hide.
For this is the time to take the SIDE of truth!
No one can stop the Lion of Judah – No One – He is Roaring with His power and Roaming in His Might to fight our battles!
For the Lord your God will go forth like a mighty warrior – like a man of war for He has now raised a war cry and the Lion of Judah will prevail against His enemies.
This is a time for each believer to take their place like never before in knowing who YOUR God is as the Lion of Judah and to know him closely and personally as our . . .Elohim – The All Power One – the Creator God!
Hold fast to Jehovah Shammah – Your LORD who is always there! For He will NOT let you go. You will see Him as our El Elyon – The God Most High – for He is Mighty and Strong in battle!
There is no other God like our Jehovah Nissi, who is our banner and protection, and we take cover and refuge in Him alone.
For He rising as our Lord of Hosts and as our Lord of Armies because He is our Jehovah Sabaoth.
He is our Everlasting God – the Eternal God – our El Olam, and He is always with us as our Immanuel – our God with US – a God for us and a God unto us!
Weep NO MORE in 2024 – The Lion of Judah will Roar!
Be Ready!
You can donate today:
Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
Also, I would love to pray for YOUR MIRACLE! Please send me your request for YOUR miracle via email, and I will faithfully stand with you to see your miracle come into reality.
With My Expectant Heart for Your Miracle and My Grateful Heart for Your Donation,
With My Burning Heart of Love & Thankfulness,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry
A Biblical Perspective Unfolding with Current Events!
A Biblical Perspective Unfolding with Current Events!
By Mari Anne Andersen
I am writing to you this day to release upon you His love and His faith, trusting that God is still THE Supreme Being and still Sovereign in ALL His ways. I am also writing to you giving you some “spiritual muscles” to exercise so you can stand firm in His Place as the days in which we live are truly numbered. This is Good News, and this is exciting because we are all witnessing Biblical events that are written, documented, and prophesied.
“Now when these things begin to occur, stand tall and lift up your heads (in joy), because (suffering ends as) your redemption is drawing near.”
Luke 21:28 (Amplified)
There is no question in any of our minds that America is going down the wrong path. We see it, we hear it, and we read it. America is stumbling in darkness on many fronts. We have lost our moral and spiritual compass; all kinds of immoral and political corruption is running rampant and along with it is great incompetency in our leadership at the White House.
Never in our history of our great nation has there been such absolute corruption in our government, such as an “Anti-Christ” movement, a “Socialist/Communist Agenda,” a “Corporate Stronghold of Madness” with transsexual ideology, and a strong “Anti-Semitic Movement” growing profusely daily.
It’s as though the the current Administration is under the influence of evil and is allowing the destruction and failure of our nation on every front. There’s intimidation and injustice against Christians and our beliefs, the raging woke and liberal media, far left cities being burned down, far left drug infested homeless encampments all over on city properties, skyrocketing overdoses on fentanyl on a daily basis, police shot and murdered in the streets being targets of hatred and disgust, and brainwashing of our young children in the Public Schools about transsexual ideology and its deceitful philosophy.
Add to all of that, having a President and his son under the influence of a foreign country, allowing wide open borders where 6.2 million migrants have “Illegally” crossed the southern border since the current administatrion took office with at least 1.5 million “Gotaways” evading law enforcement entirely. More and more gang members, drug traffickers, sex traffickers, and even individuals are on terrorism watchlists. Border Patrol agents are exhausted, discouraged, and depleted emotionally and physically as they cannot do their due diligence as patrol agents.
It’s pure madness—pure chaos, crisis, and confusion that swirls all around on a daily basis. This is not the land of the free but the land of captives and prisoners under the regime of the current Adminis-tration which continually moves further and further into lawlessness and insanity.
The New Testament term “lawless” is used to describe those who knowingly, deliberately, and willfully rebel against the laws of God and man. They refuse to be under God’s rule and God’s government. This is the current Administration, and the far left that is intentionally and purposefully going against God’s Holiness and Righteousness. And when government and society ignore God’s law and the law of the land there is more lawlessness, resulting in ensuring chaos. Of course, this is Satan’s final attempt to halt God’s work through a massive onslaught of evil and quite frankly he is succeeding on a massive scale!
Psalm 94:16 is now a rising chorus!
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?
Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? (KJV)
Let me say clearly, I do not believe any politician can save America. The only remedy is a full-blown revival and reformation taking place for the return to righteousness.
Proverbs 10:10 Winking at sin leads to sorrow; bold reproof leads to peace. (TLB) How many of us are winking at sin that is raging all around us and yes, even in some churches? How many are turning a deaf ear and a blind eye to God’s truth regarding “alternative lifestyles?” God created only two genders —male and female. There is none inbetween. It’s clear in His Word! We cannot reinterpret what gender we are to fit the political narrative of the day or the feelings of the day. He or she is what God designed and created. Let’s get back to sound doctrine—the truth—and refuse to listen to or apply false doctrine.
However, one of the many signs of the End Times is lawlessness that will abound in cities, states, and regions that will cast off the rule of law, and anarchy will reign. Basically, it’s now everyday news from the pandemic to lawlessness, to corruption, and to anarchy that prevails .
Also, we see the world-wide great falling away from the faith and the church as Jesus warned the disciples in Matthew 24:10-12 – “At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.” (NIV)
Yet, there is good news, too. People in all nations, people of all tongues, people of all tribes are hearing the gospel and responding in huge numbers in China, Africa, and the Middle East. So, while the great falling away is happening there is a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit bringing untold millions into the Kingdom. Matthew 24:14 – “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (NLV) We live in a world today where the Gospel—the Good News of Jesus the Messiah—is going around all the world via satellite TV, Internet, email, podcasts, YouTube and other video resources and for this we can celebrate and pray.
Israel is God’s prophetic clock and so much of what is happening in Israel is prophetically unfolding with Biblical events. Dear family of God, I urge you, encourage you, and strongly advise you to know what the Bible records historically and currently about Israel. It is so essential that we keep an eye on Israel and know what scripture speaks about concerning Israel and the End Times.
Here are a few links: the best and most concise understandings of Israel, Hamas, and End Times. Pastor Gary Hamrick at Cornerstone Chapel Church and John Hagee are some of my references regarding this topic so please take time to listen to these in their entirety.
- Pastor John Hagee – Signs of the Times
- Rabbi Jonathan Cahn & Pastor John Hagee – How Recent Events Confirm the End Times Prophecy
- Pastor Gary Hamrick – Israel, Hamas, and End Times, Ezekiel 38
What is most amazing is that each of these prophecies listed here are now being fulfilled before our very eyes. For more in depth of understanding go to and click on the “End Times” tab. Scroll down to “A Brief Summary of the End Times Signs” to read more details about each aspect listed here:
- Israel being gathered from among the nations, and made a nation once again
- Travel and knowledge will be greatly increased
- Global real-time communications will become a reality, so that the final two witnesses will be seen simultaneously around the world
- Lawlessness will be abounding so that cities, states, and regions will cast off the rule of law, and anarchy will reign
- World-wide falling away from the church, and at the same time an outpouring of the Holy
- A developing one-world political and economic system, to be headed by a world ruler (the anti-Christ)
- The coming one-world system will require everyone to receive a “mark“ to buy or sell
- Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple upon the temple mount in Jerusalem (destroyed since 70 A.D.)
- People scoffing and mocking at the notion of end times, saying “where is the promise of His coming? (2 Peter 3:3-4)
- The Spirit of Anti-Christ will begin to grow in media, politics, and culture
- Once the final One World Order begins to take final shape, the Anti-Christ will be revealed
Because God calls us to be alert. He calls us to know the signs and the seasons we are in and to keep our eye on Israel because God recorded historical things about Israel and the Bible records prophetical things that are yet to happen in Israel.
“Hamas” in Hebrew means “violence” and Hamas does NOT care about anyone—only their assignment to destroy Israel and the Jewish people. That is written in their Hamas Covenant. There has been great animosity and hatred going all the way back to the Book of Genesis between the children of Ishamel and the children of Issac and the jealousy of the promise God gave to the Israelites.
And don’t forget this plan of hatred by Hamas is incited and motivated by Satan himself. Satan hates God’s Redemptive plan which was centered and located in Israel which is where the Savior was born, died, and rose again, and ascended from and is coming again. Put simply, Satan is doing everything in his power to bring attention of an evil world with all their hatred against one location BECAUSE it represents the COVENANT REDEMPTIVE PLAN OF GOD.
The Jewish people are NOT just inhabitants or occupiers of the land. It is so important to know the history, so please view the YouTube videos and read the articles on the “Evidence to Believe” website that I mentioned above. The Jewish people are indigenous people of the land, and the Bible records the fact that the Jews were living there thousands of years before. Through time the Jews were dispersed from their land, they were killed around the world, and they were oppressed around the world. God titled the deed of the land of Israel to the Jewish people way back in the book of Genesis.
Given the current state of affairs in the world, it certainly looks and feels like the Messiah may be returning soon and the Bible instructs us to be vigilant but also states no one knows the hour or the day. How should we prepare, how to be vigilant and how to respond? Let’s hear what Peter says,
1 Peter 3:10-12 – For, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongues from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are n the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” (NIV)
So, draw near to Him so that YOU can hear the clouds of glory coming and the sounds of Heaven’s Spirit will empower us to stand and be strong, to see great and mighty miracles take place.God will shine His Light brighter and greater into our lives IF we let Him. This is not a message to shrink back from nor to be fearful.This is a message to say, “I know who holds tomorrow in the palm of His Hand because He will NOT forsake the righteous
“Dear Father, we thank you, for Jesus our Messiah, who reigns and rules.We thank you for Your Word that we can trust and hold fast to the promise that Jesus is coming soon.We ask in the meantime to give us a heart to follow hard after You, that we will remain strong and steadfast in YOU even in this turbulent time so that our faith will grow stronger and stronger.
We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and ask that You give the leaders Divine Wisdom and keep the innocent from all harm and destruction. We pray in Your Name for the Jewish people and the Muslims to come to know You as their Lord and Savior. And let us lift our heads to the soon coming King of kings and Lord of Lords—Yeshua! In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Freedom House Updates
- FHM Schools Course 201 & 202 started in September with 20 students and are going well.
- Tommy and Mari Anne started a Mentorship Program for students who graduated from Courses 201 & 202 to train them up as Prayer Counselors.
- Tommy received a promotion at his job due to his outstanding performance in the Memory Care Unit.
- Mari Anne has been invited to several places for teaching and to share on Podcasts.
- FHM is flooded with many new clients, so thankfully we are training up more prayer counselors who can labor along side of Tommy and me.
- The pastor from Spirit of God Church asked me to be the main referral source for Prayer Counseling. This is such an honor!
- Mari Anne just completed an amazing live event called “From Shame to God’s Hall of Fame” with about 60 women in attendane.
- Rose Marie’s book, Take Care of Your Heart, is now on
- Click here
- Amazon: Click here
Your prayers and financial support for Freedom House, for me and Tommy personally, for our counselees, for the FHM School students, and for the Mentorship Program trainees are more important than ever given the distressing signs of the times and the turmoil so many people find themselves in. It’s your generous financial gifts that undergird what God is doing through Freedom House not only in the US but around the world as we counsel folks near and far.
You can donate today:
Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
Also, I would love to pray for YOUR MIRACLE! Please send me your request for YOUR miracle via email, and I will faithfully stand with you to see your miracle come into reality.
With My Expectant Heart for Your Miracle and My Grateful Heart for Your Donation,
With My Burning Heart of Love & Thankfulness,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry