Merry Christmas & 2018 Highlights From Freedom House Ministries

2018! Can you believe it’s nearly finished?! I am drinking in all that the Father has done in 2018 and I thought I would give a little refresher and share how the Father honored His Word, and many others, in my life in this last year. Below are just some of the prophetic words that were given to me.

Surely, Positively and Most Definitely Seen in 2018to do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8) – Father said He would release on His wings thunderous awakening in and around your life. Yes, he did this in my life, Tommy’s life, and the lives of our Freedom House Family:


2018 Highlights

1. Tommy Returned to Freedom House from stepping down a couple of years ago due to burnout and depression. He is now back counseling, teaching, and leading in the Course 201 & 202 Schools.   A story of God’s grace and mercy and comeback in his life can clearly be seen. Surely, definitely, positively, absolutely and certainly God has a call on his life. This serves as a reminder that God has a call on YOUR life as well.


2. My Mom’s Health – She had several stays in the hospital and it didn’t look good on many occasions but the Lord surely has been with her with each step along the way in 2018 and has strengthened her and has recovered her so many times. On January 18, she will be 88 years old! What a blessing to so many and particularly ME! (Rose Marie and her long-time ministry partner, Laverne Smith, at the 2018 Fun-raiser.)


3. New Board Members – Rick and Sheryl Schmidt have joined our board, a Godsend of His grace and love. Sheryl had already taken over being the In-take secretary and has been doing a tremendous labor of love and is now also my new Event Coordinator. What answered prayer with the best of the best serving in excellence!


4. New School Leaders for Course 201 & 202 – We are enjoying new leaders, like Rhonda Reed, in this new school year. In addition, we have many new students ranging from the young generation of 20’s through the mature generations of 80’s. What an honor to be able to have so many young, middle, and senior ages in our Schools!


5. Many FHM Events This Last Year – Mark & Maureen Sandford, Dr. Boaz Johnson from North Park University, Ruth Fazal, Joseph & Heather from Z Ministries, Esther’s Retreat in Lake Geneva, Laughing Your Way to Healing Conference, and our annual Fun-Raiser on November 17th. Wow – what a year of His glory and love lavishly bestowed upon us!!!


6. Invitations to Teach and Minister in the Prophetic – I always consider it a great honor and privilege to walk in these gifts and to minister to others this last year and I already have 2019 dates booked.


7. Global Outreach – This last year I was counseling and ministering via Skype to: Hong Kong, Singapore, Europe, Australia, Africa, Ireland and just 2 weeks ago – India! WOW and WOW! The Father is faithful to His word. “Surely, Positively, and Most Definitely Seen in 2018!” Freedom House has indeed gone Global.


8. New Webmaster & New Website – Our faithful Webmaster Nate Tubbs informed us a few weeks ago that his business has exploded and he’s needing to step down from the day-to-day maintenance of our website. Thankfully, the Lord already lined someone up even before we had a chance to pray in a new Webmaster. Her heart is to serve Freedom House and to bless us with a new, fresh contemporary website and to help with social media. And, it’s at a price that can’t be beaten! God is awesome!


9. 2018 Annual Fun-Raiser – This year it was a great success and the Schmidt family (mentioned in #3 above) outdid themselves with baskets that were overflowing with beauty and abundance of every kind. It was a festive night with old friends and new friends enjoying the beauty, the fun, and the fellowship with a chance to lavish funds on FHM!


10. My Staff – Mother Teresa Said: “It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in doing.” That is exactly what I feel about Freedom House’s staff. They go above and beyond because of their love for the Father and Freedom House.


11. Our Daughter & Son-in-law & Their Two Boys – Karin Marie and Roger are expecting their 3rd son in March. Oh, did I mention this will be our 3rd grandchild joining Bram and Emerson?! Being a grandparent is over the top joy and then some. They are settled in their new home in Wheaton as of this last year. A home of love, comfort, and joy.


12. Our Son, Fillip is Home from Norway – What a blessing and answered prayer for a mother and father! Fillip has been living in Norway by Tommy’s family for 9 years, and of course, he came home several times throughout the years. But now he has a reason to stay home here in the US: a young lady he has known all his life—literally the girl next door and his best friend’s sister—Karen and her daughter Somer, 4-years-old, who by the way is our grandson’s age. Fillip has settled into a very good job and has great potential in every way to begin his new journey back in the USA.


13. Our Youngest Son, Markus – He is still living in Utah and works in North Dakota, on the oil rigs, and he’s the delight of our hearts, a hard worker, and one who makes mom and dad very proud of all his ways.


Well, those are just some of the highlights of 2018. There are so many I don’t have room or time in this letter without boring you to pieces. Needless to say, it didn’t just come into step without hiccups and some places of challenges, emotional and personal growth, and most assuredly soul-searching disappointments. Each above point came with lots of prayer and sacrifice.

This road is not an easy one when the world says one thing and the Lord is saying another and so many things are pulling in different directions. And yet, I know no other way than to hold fast to His garment and cling on for dear life.

Running a ministry—directing AND counseling—wearing many family hats—a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter—and maintaining friendships is all quite challenging. I simply can’t express it enough: I am SO dependent on the Father for my peace, grace, trust, and hope. It takes a lot to do all that the Lord has called me (us) to and I (we) need your help in all these endeavors.

I want to say thank you to all who have been faithful in their prayers for us, faithful in their giving, and faithful in their serving Freedom House. Without you, we could NOT do what God has called us to do in this last year and, God willing, in the year coming up, 2019.

As we move into the next New Year, I pray that you will catch the vision of Freedom House and come along side of us because Freedom House is going places full of adventures, full of new experiences, and filled with great new heights and depths of His love.


A Sneak Preview of Early 2019 Events – Watch Your Email For Details:

  • Prophetic Word for 2019: Most Satisfied in Him – Clean, Lean and Pristine in 2019, emphasizing Psalm 119. God wants you to be satisfied, blessed and delighted so that your eyes will be fully engaged and opened to see His miracle-wonders in 2019. Details coming soon!
  • January: Altar’d State is a boutique retailer with a faith-based mission. There will be an online purchasing event and an Oak Brook Mall event where FHM will host an evening to “Give and It Shall be Given” fundraiser in Oak Brook Mall at their store. Dates TBA.
  • February: Second Annual Esther Retreat in Wisconsin. Dates and place TBA.
  • February 1, 7:00-9:00pm: Hosting a Prophetic Party at the Hope Center in Bolingbrook.


Prayerfully Consider A Year-End Contribution:

As we are approaching a close to 2018, I’m asking you to consider a year-end gift – a GREAT BIG GIFT that will close the books on 2018, so we can open a brand new book for 2019. Two options to give:

  • Use the enclosed envelope to mail in a check, which must be postmarked by Monday, December 31 at midnight to count for 2018. OR
  • Give online at FHM’s website, where you can use PayPal and/or your credit card:

I thank you again from my heart to your heart!!! May this Christmas have Christ in all that you do and you’ll experience overflowing peace, joy and goodwill.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Mari Anne

Director, Freedom House Ministries

A VERY Important Word from Tommy & Mari Anne Andersen

You will hear below, the announcement given by R. Loren Sandford (John & Paula’s oldest son), sharing about the new direction all the Sandfords’ children will be taking in the days ahead as they are no longer associated with Elijah House.

As the Director of Freedom House I wanted to share some thoughts, insights, and words of encouragement. First let me quote from Loren’s prophetic word:

God is moving the pieces on His master chessboard to position us for the strategic days to come. Ministries are shifting and changing. Those who embrace His changes to reflect His heart more fully will prosper, even though the process of change may be gut-wrenching and difficult.”

John & Paula Sandford have left a legacy that is far-reaching around the world, and as friends with the Sandfords, colaborers, and school facilitators for many years, it is essential that we share some personal thoughts and insights.

We have known, worked, and sat under Mark & Maureen for many years, and our respect and honor has only deepened through this process and time. John & Paula have left another monumental & enormous legacy—“THE SANDFORD CHILDREN,” who through all their lives were imparted to, downloaded to, and instructed about John & Paula’s revelations, their messages of transformation, sanctification and redemption. Many, if not all, will be devastated about this news that none of the Sandford children are part of Elijah House, and none of the Sandford children are sitting on the Board of Elijah House. Undoubtedly, many will be hurt by this news; some will be disheartened, some will falter and stumble in pain and say, “How could this be?” and will have more questions than answers.

The Father knows the reality of your hurt and pain, but rest assured as someone very close to the Sandford's children once said, “Whenever the Lord calls us into something new, we must first leave the old—physically, emotionally, spiritually and economically” (John Sandford in “Cutting Free”). I would like to encourage and challenge you at this time, don’t lose heart, and stand steadfast in seeking out what He has called YOU to do during this time of a great evolution, progression and advancement in the Kingdom.

I can assure you that Mark & Maureen are honorable, noble, and upright leaders, teachers, and directors in the Body of Christ. As leaders they have always walked in transparency, honesty, accountability, reconciliation, and resolution, and they have never sought to dismiss or marginalize people. In John & Paula’s teaching, “Honoring Father and Mother,” there is some great insight that is given—“On What Basis do We Honor Someone?” We honor someone in their personhood, or their identity; we honor in relationship, position and authority. Therefore, we honor John & Paula Sandford for giving us Elijah House and all their revelations & teachings, along with all their children who walk in the Father’s ways and are instructed by and in Him. We continue to honor Elijah House and bless their ongoing ministry. And we honor Mark & Maureen Sandford for the mantle that was bestowed upon them by God and John Sandford to continue His work in Malachi 4:5-6:

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.”

"Therefore, the goal of spiritual leadership is that people come to know God and to glorify him in all that they do. Spiritual leadership is aimed not so much at directing people as it is at changing people. If we would be the kind of leaders we ought to be, we must make it our aim to develop persons rather than dictate plans. You can get people to do what you want, but if they don’t change in their heart, you have not led them spiritually. You have not taken them to where God wants them to be.” (John Piper—The Marks of a Spiritual Leader)

Father, I pray in Your Name that the Body of Christ will walk in wisdom, insight and prayerful ways in the days to come as things are shifting and changing on the “Chessboard of Life”. Father, I believe you are shifting and changing many things around the nation, around the world, locally, and internationally. Give us eyes to discern and see from Your perspective; give us ears to hear what Your Spirit is saying, and Father, give us Your heart so we can be generous to love and honor –Amen.


- Mari Anne Andersen


Write Mari Anne with any thoughts, questions or comments you may have: