Freedom House Blog

April & May 2021 Newsletter

On January 6, 2021, I sent out Part 1 of the Word I sensed the Lord gave me for this New Year and some of the unfolding areas in our…

We “The People” Shall Journey On the Road to Emmaus Part 2 – What God Has for YOU . . . in 2021

On January 6, 2021, I sent out Part 1 of the Word I sensed the Lord gave me for this New Year and some of the unfolding areas in our…

A Year for Our Pursuit of Truth as We Journey on the Road to Emmaus

Each New Year I present to Freedom House’s Family and Friends what I hear and sense from the Lord for this New Year as it stretches before…

Jesus the Extravagant Dimensions of Christ’s Love “Christ in Me”

My prayer for you and your family this Christmas and New Year is that you may experience the vastness, the extravagance, and the…

“Master, Don’t You Care if We Drown?” OR (Lose the Election?)

I wanted to share my thoughts and feelings at this time, as America finds herself in a great stormy squall that has overtaken our nation,…

My Ears Are Filled with the Sound of Promise

Are your ears filled, packed, and stuffed with the sound of God’s promises for you, your family, and for us as a nation?  If your ears are…

Bedazzled and Not Frazzled

I wanted to share with you the Word of the Lord as well as releasing and encouraging YOU with His loving kindness and His loving…

What in the world?

What in the World is happening in our country, our world, and our times?  We have had some turbulent, disturbing, and troubling times in…

My Tent is Pitched in the Land of Hope

This scripture releases the magnitude and extravagance of God’s divine love for us and I believe He is right by our side even in the midst…

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