A New View for You in 2022
February, 2022
Dear Freedom House Family,
The Father is equipping and preparing each of us for “A New View for YOU in 2022.” What does that really mean? The act of seeing or examining, inspecting, surveying, prospecting the near future, lookout, outlook, panorama, and perspective. Much too often we are looking through our own lenses, and we get blinded with blurry vision that can lead to misinterpretation.
This year the Father is inviting us to look through His lenses and to see what He sees. My friends, this year will be a NEW VIEW for YOU . . . IF you look through His lenses.
The Father said this is the year and season for the Zechariahs to arise and shine, for the shakings that will LEAD to awakenings. This is the Hebraic Year of 5782 which means “awaken.” Awaken into the new view. Awaken into His promises of revival, reformation, and reorganization. This is also the year for the hidden things to be made manifest, the secret things to be exposed, the “real” agenda to be revealed and the move from visitation to habitation. It’s having a new view, a new outlook for our new year—peering into what the Father sees in the supernatural down the way and not just seeing what is happening in the natural.
Who Was Zechariah?
Zechariah was a young man, a priest, and a prophet who emphasized great encouragement, hope, and reassurance to God’s people, the Israelites. The times that Zechariah was living in were very similar to our times right now! God’s people were living in a place of fear and hopelessness, and in a sense of being forgotten and neglected by God’s promises. Like the days of Zechariah, God’s people found themselves in a world of division, confusion, and devastation all around and where sin was so blatant, corruption so visible, and hatred so noticeable.
Henceforth, Zechariah comes with a great and wonderful message of hope, of encouragement, and of reminders of God’s promises. He also urges and exhorts a call to repentance and states very clearly what God spoke for his people to do . . . “Return to me, and I will return to you.”
Beloved, I believe this is what God is calling each one of us to do in this year, in this season and in this hour—return to Him, return to His ways, return to His precepts. For God’s ways are right and radiant, giving light to the eyes of our understanding and for right living so that we can see A New View for You in 2022.
Zechariah and the Promises of God
- Return to me, declares the Lord Almighty and I will return to you. (1:3) – God is wooing us all to return back to Him and to be a light to the lost world all around us. To be a people who can see from His perspective, from His watch tower and not to live in a place of fear and hopelessness, to separate ourselves unto God to be a holy people.
- I will return to Jerusalem with mercy, and there my house will be rebuilt. (1:16) – God’s promise to restore us with great mercy and to rebuild the ruins within us and all around us. His Presence will be manifested.
- I myself will be a wall of fire around it – and I will be its glory within. (2:5) – His great protection will be a wall of fire – Yahweh Himself would provide security and His protection as well as His Presence. The wall of fire will be released as His Shekinah Glory of the Lord.
- Whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye. (2:8) – To know we are the “main” focus of God’s attention, the center of His universe for His love protects us, and to know we are in His watchful care.
- Shout and be glad, O Daughter of Zion. For I am coming, and I will live among you. Be still before the Lord, all mankind because he has roused himself from his holy Dwelling. (2:10-13) – Let’s begin to sing and rejoice because God is good and He will show His goodness along with His redemption, His restoration of His people. We have been in captivity long enough. Now is the time to shout to give Him glory. For He comes to release execution and judge your adversaries in order to complete His deliverance and salvation.
- Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit. (4:6) – The providence, authority, power, and energy of the Most High will be our true source. No secular army, no human policy, and no government will get us out of trouble or hardship. Our true source of guidance, our wisdom, and our assurance will only be by His Sovereign Spirit.
- I will return to Zion and dwell in Jerusalem. The Jerusalem will be called the City of Truth, and the mountain of the Lord Almighty will be called the Holy Mountain. (8:3) – God’s people will be transformed by the Presence of our Lord. His Jerusalem and His people will be transformed into a place of truth and holiness. His Presence will be so real that reformation will happen and take hold.
This is the Word of the Lord for 2022
A New View for You in 2022 means you will be looking at things from My perspective, My advantage point. For I will arise, I will conquer, and I will defeat! For My name will be heard throughout the land. My name will be like hot coals upon their lips. So, keep in prayer, and keep watch. For I will suddenly arise in lightning speed. For it only takes a second to change everything. For I go by My standards, My timetable. Mostly, I go by what I see down the road because I know the end from the beginning.
Rest assured and rest in My promise: I have your back and have your best interest in My heart. This year will be, “A New View for You in 2022” for I will walk with you every step of the way, and you will abide and dwell in the shelter of My heart. I will release wings of safety and you will take flight in and of My Spirit to witness, to attest, and to certify that this year will be, “A New View for You” as you observe from My outlook center.
You will enter into and step into a new level of My Spirt and Glory for it will be, A New View for You: new waves of My Heavenly sounds. Sounds of Heaven will be heard far and wide, and many will be led by My Sounds of truth, love, and freedom.
This year will be a year of victory in Me and will look differently than victory in the world. Be at rest in Me and continue to do your best, and I will absolutely do the rest. Stay in My Presence of TRUST and do not let go of TRUST. Don’t allow TRUST to slip away, no matter what you hear or what you see.
Trust, believe, and stand to know I AM—the Great I AM. The Great I AM is releasing upon My people, upon My Church, and upon My nation for My Name’s Sake, which is—the Light of the World, the Bread of Life, The Good Shepherd, the Captain of Salvation, the Lord of Armies, The Great Deliver, and the Mighty and Just God.
Arise up all Zechariah’s and release My encouragement, My hope, and My Promises for I will rebuild, I will restore, and I will release My people back to a place of hope, life, and freedom. There is revival in the air—breathe, believe, and see it for the sounds of My love flow from My house to your house. For this year will be a new year that will set in new ways. For your tents will be enlarged, your spheres of influence will be greater, and your ladders will go higher to touch My Presence.
You will have easier access to My Spirit. Your ears will be sharpened to hear the piercing sound of My Spirit to walk in this new way, ways that point you to greater hope and greater triumph. I will ROCK YOUR WORLD with showers of meteorites of love and shooting stars will rest upon you from My kingdom, for they will be My fireballs of love. Bright, bold, and beautiful will be these fireballs of love resting upon you to light up your ways and to give you newer and deeper ways of My truth and revelation.
For your ears, eyes, and mouth will hear, see, and speak new words of My Spirit. Lost artifacts will be released into your vision; things that seemed so buried and forgotten will be discovered and uncovered. I am calling for great unity within My family, unity and harmony with husbands and wives to both be in step with Me, like riding a tandem bike, for speed and motion will all be in sync. For I am calling the children, siblings, and neighbors and co-workers to walk in unity, harmony, and in one accord to love, honor, and respect one another. This is the time to usher in great unity—to be in agreement with one another because Jesus Christ, My Son, is your common denominator. Do not squabble and bicker over things that will cause division and dissension. Stay in My Presence of love for My love is large and incredibly patient. Remember My love will never traffic in shame and dishonor for My love is a safe place of shelter. So, shelter in Me, My people, for My love is perfect.
God’s love is meteoric, His loyalty astronomic, His purposes titanic, his verdicts oceanic. Yet in His largeness nothing gets lost; Not a man, not a mouse, slips through the cracks.
Psalm 36:5-6 (The Message)
Pray With Me,
Father, I desire to rise up and be counted among the Zechariahs at this time and season of my life, my family’s life, and for the times of our nation. Help me, Lord, to release Your words, as I hear and see Your heart. Help me, Lord, to stand in the gap for our families, for our churches, and for our nation. Lord, give me the gift of encouragement, Your gift of hope, and the sweet gift of trust. Sweeten my words to those who are discouraged, disheartened, and dismayed and release those prophetic messages of Your promises here and now. Father, forgive me in any way that I have turned my back on You. I want to return to You completely and entirely in all ways so that You can return to me in this hour, and we can see Your ”fireballs” of love bombing our lives and nation.
In Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
I always feel supported knowing that you are praying for Freedom House, for me and Tommy personally, for our counselees, and for the FHM School students. It’s your generous financial gifts that undergird what God is doing through Freedom House not only in the US but around the world as we counsel folks near and far. We couldn’t do this ministry without you behind us with your faithful donations and prayers. We are eternally grateful.
Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
With My Burning Heart of Love & Thankfulness,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry
Our Redeemer’s Legacy – Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving, 2021
Dear Friends,
We are just around the corner from Thanksgiving, and I wanted to write a special “Love Letter” from my heart to YOUR heart in this season of thankfulness. I am so grateful and thankful first for my Creator and Savior who has given me life and a life I get to share with you. I am thankful for each one that allows me to speak and share into their lives and by God’s grace deposit some of His glorious nuggets of truth and promises.
As sons and daughters of our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we have so many extraordinary gifts, legacies, and birthrights given to us. He holds nothing back and I want to remind us all of one in particular legacy that we can dwell in and abide in moment by moment from our Redeemer. This legacy from our Redeemer is something I believe we all need especially with our nation so divided and scattered on so many issues.
As I counsel and hear people’s hearts, this is something I hear repeatedly: What will happen to us, our nation, and our families because of all the divisiveness, the deception, and just plain denial of God’s existence? I will share with YOU what I share with them. My prayer is that you will be able to chew on it, digest it as a sweet treat, not just store it in the attic of your minds. Rather truly, sit in it, absorbing our Redeemer’s legacy to you and to me.
Our Redeemer’s legacy is called the PEACE OF CHRIST, which is given by Christ, produced, and perpetuated by His Spirit. Did you get that? Perpetuated by His Spirit! This my friends is essential! Please take hold of this marvelous revelation. Perpetuated means continued, propagated, and reproduced over and over and in every situation and circumstance.
I leave the gift of peace with you—my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be courageous! (John 14:27 TPT)
This peace is secured in His blood as our Mediator, and He has the right to dispense it as the result of His reconciliation and atonement for YOU and for me. Our Redeemer did not just intend to have His peace just sit in our hearts BUT His heart intention and purpose for this peace is to “rule” in our hearts—to govern our emotions, our feelings, renewing our minds with His supreme command. It’s to have His peace that will be the umpire of our minds.
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
since as members of one body you were called to peace. (Colossians 3:13 NIV)
The Greek word for rule means “to do the work of an umpire or referee.” A pastor once said it this way: “Think of a baseball game and as you slide into home base, you come up short. You know it, your team knows it, and the shouts from the crowd in the stands are calling you out. But the umpire shouts, SAFE! Statements like he’s blind, wasn’t he paying attention, and doesn’t he need glasses can be heard throughout the stands.
No, not at all. He made the call, not based on our performance, which obviously failed, but based on Christ Jesus’ grace and mercy. When it comes to our own behavior before God, many of us don’t deserve to be on His winning team. However, this is where our inheritance and legacy come from our Redeemer. In our place, He played the perfect game for us and not one error can call us “out.” He suffered and took our punishment to atone for our sins so that we can have life, peace, and the resurrected power on this side of eternity as well as in the life to come. At the same time as umpire, His peace umpires our minds, and His peace wants to referee our conscience so that we can remain in a perfect place of rest, trust, and harmony.
The Lord will give strength to His people.
The Lord will bless His people with peace (Psalm 29:11 NIV)
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you. (Isaiah 26:3 NIV)
Additionally, steadfast in the Hebrew means imagination which forms and frames up our imagination and thus becomes our reality. Dearest friends, our imagination must be set apart for God and continually be based on His character, His promise, and His truth NO matter what we see all around us. Our imaginations can run wild into every conceivable notion and dark alley of fear, worry, and ultimate destruction of doom. But if we allow our imaginations to be made holy as He is holy, this transformation will give us that blessed assurance that we can confidently trust in Him.
Perfect, absolute peace surrounds those whose imaginations are consumed with you; they confidently trust in you. (Isaiah 26:3 – TPT)
When Jesus left this earth, He promised His disciples a peace unlike any other . . . “I leave the gift of peace with you – my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts – instead, be courageous! (John 14:27 TPT)
So, in the midst of turmoil, uncertainty, and life’s pressures and stresses, our Redeemer’s legacy is His overruling peace, His insurmountable peace, and His personal peace like no other. He knew we would be in a world filled with conditions of ambiguities and uncertainties, but He did not leave us stranded, unequipped, and uninformed. Rather, He left us with His own Peace SO THAT our hearts would not be troubled or be fearful no matter what is happening in this world. Remember: Take heart for our Redeemer has overcome the world.
I would say this is pretty good news for us, so we can confidently give thanks and enjoy this season of Thanksgiving. Why? Because our birthright is His Peace—His wonderful Peace that reigns supremely in our midst.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV)
So, my prayer for YOU dear ones, is that the peace of God will guard your hearts and your minds in Him, and His perfect peace will replace all and any anxieties, worries, or fears. May your mind and heart be ruled by His peace, not of this world’s peace but the world of our Redeemer’s peace who lives in us and all around us.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry
Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
With My Burning Heart of Love & Thankfulness,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry
Wrap Your Heart Tightly Around His Hope
September/October 2021
So now wrap your heart tightly around the hope that lives within us,
knowing that God always keeps his promises!
Hebrews 10:23 (TPT)
I want to encourage and inspire YOU to wrap your heart tightly around the gift of “HOPE” in and during these times. To hold fast, to not lose your grip, to remain standing and holding in His love of promises to you and for this nation. Wrap your heart tightly around God’s Hope for it will come to YOU and to our nation.
Without a doubt we are under siege of so many things in and around us whether it’s the “woke” movement, whether it’s the mandated vaccinations, whether it’s wearing the masks mandate, or whether it’s the CRT in our schools as well as the pandemic, economic collapse, and rioting in many cities, and so many other areas of concerns.
All the areas of the radical left’s agenda are spreading like wildfire. And my friends, it is an agenda—be certain of that much. It’s the agenda of the “Enemy – Satan” who is desperately attempting to rule and reign in America.
If ever there was a time to hold fast, to not surrender nor give in, it would be this time. People of faith, rise-up and hold fast to YOUR faith and to the promises of our Sovereign King—Jesus Christ. America is a land of many covenants and promises and we have so many deep wells, springs, and mines of revival. Our land is situated and centered in the palm of our Father’s Hand and Heart: The Hand of Justice, the Heart of Love, and the Hand of Promises.
As one of the heroes of the faith recently said, “God is rolling up His sleeves and He is fiercely warring to restore what America was before the poison of “wokeness” entered her veins.”
So many have gone before us, so many have their shed blood in fighting for our nation throughout America’s history, so many freedom fighters that crossed an ocean to step onto a land of “HOPE,” a land of “Freedom to worship the only true Savior—Jesus Christ—and to live in a “Land of Justice.”
Seemingly, the radical left is trying to stifle, muffle, and suffocate all that was given, promised, and fought for by the many heroes who shaped a nation out of a wasteland. This is a nation that was truly established, governed, and commissioned in Him and through Him. This is not a “perfect nation” by any stretch of the word nor any “perfect people” but a people who believed, who held fast to the only true Gospel—the Bible. So, with a perfect Book that guided and instructed our forefathers, we the “People” came into existence in this land of hope, freedom, and liberty.
I pray that each one of us in the faith will hold fast, unswervingly to our faith and hope in Jesus Christ and move in the places of courage, of digging into the wells of our heritage by intercession, and by moving in the places of valor by unmasking our mouths. By speaking out, speaking up, and speaking into the truth of who Jesus Christ is today, tomorrow, and forever – for He never changes. He is saying to the Body of Believers, “Don’t lose hope, don’t loose confidence in His Spirit and don’t lose trust in God’s promises of the New Covenant here, now, and in the life to come.”
Our Enemy has NO chance to prevail IF the Body of Christ rises up, shakes off the dust, clears the fog of confusion, fear, and apathy, so that, we the people can remember where we came from, who we are as sons and daughters of the Most High God and remember His promises of hope, freedom, and liberty for all who call upon Him.
David was a giant of the faith, a hero of the faith and a man of faith. David’s sling was not the first choice of weapons. David’s first choice of weapons was an unmasked mouth and a mind of remembrance of what God did in the past—how He kept His promises. That was really the first weapon of attack—his mouth to speak out truth of promises and remembrances of all God’s deeds.
David answered, “You come at me with sword and spear and battle-ax. I come at you in the name of God-of-the-Angel-Armies, the God of Israel’s troops, whom you curse and mock. … The whole earth will know that there’s an extraordinary God in Israel. And everyone gathered here will learn that God doesn’t save by means of sword or spear. The battle belongs to God—he’s handing you to us on a platter!” 1 Sam. 17:45-17 (MSG)
Unmask your mouth, unbridle your memory to the God of hope and to the God of all He has done in our past and will do in our present and future.
“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.” Psalm 103:1
We as God’s people, as Americans, we cannot let our history, our past be banned, prohibited, and condemned because God spoke clearly “forget not all His benefits” and that is the past, present, and future. We need to remember where we came from and how we need to pass onto our next generation the truths of the one and only God, the same God of the United States of America. We need to reclaim our nation back from the depths of evil, from the grasps of the enemy’s tactics of withholding our rights as citizens of heaven and citizens of the United States.
Nehemiah 4:14 – And I looked, and arose and said to the nobles, to the leaders, and to the rest of the people, “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.”
Our confession of our hope is our weapon for today which in turn gives us trust in God’s promises and in that there is NO despair in “hope” even during difficulties, challenges, and trials. Maintain, my friends of the faith, what is true, what is right, and what is powerful—our King of kings and our Lord of lords AND the finished work of the cross.
The ground of our hope and confidence is God is true to His Word: He will never fail to keep all His promises and He never changes His mind after He promises something. Maintain full confidence in the relatability of God’s promises for they are Yes and Amen!! Every believer shares in this final victory. Mario Murillo states it this way so eloquently, “The end times are not happening to me. I am happening to the end times!”
Freedom House Updates
Summer Events:
- Staff Meetings: All went very well with our staff of 10 Small Group Leaders/Shadows Training. It was a time of refreshment, ministry for everyone, and of connecting once again as a Body of Christ, preparing for the FHM Schools.
- Ministry at a Church: Tommy & Mari Anne went down to Bloomington a few times to minister to a home church, including the pastor, his wife as well as the congregation. Actually, the pastor and his wife along with a couple of others are part of our school this year. What an honor to have them at the school.
- Two Guest Speakers on Zoom: First, Joe Amaral, a Hebrew teacher who unfolded Jesus’ teachings in the original context of Jesus’ time which was so refreshing. Also, Paul Young, who spoke at a previous FHM graduation, updated us on Jesus’ strong heart of love for God’s children to come out of shame and pain to live the life He designed and intended for each of us. God is still working through his life and his book, “The Shack.”
Fall Events:
- FHM Schools began in September with 21 students in Course 201. We have 4 sets of pastors and their spouses, just as the Lord revealed to Mari Anne, and we have 4 other couples – PTL. Now the outpouring of revival will be coming. We had a taste of it this last Saturday as we had a couple doing a sanctified rain dance, during a time of worship, a dance to rain upon hungry souls and eager saints to take the Gospel into all the world. Also, we have several young people – which is another answer to our prayers.
- Ask Me Anything with Mari Anne: These new Zoom teachings are an inspiration from many emails where MA is asked many questions about many topics in
life. The Holy Spirit gave insight and wisdom to have live Zoom meetings without charge. The last one was on “Challenging & Difficult People in our Lives” with many questions about co-dependency, setting up boundaries, and dealing with projected feelings.
- A Testimony of the Healing Power of Jesus: Someone with the diagnosis of very late-stage cancer is now healed and in remission! Numbers are reversed. Thank You, Jesus, continue to restore, replenish, and revive more who are needing healing.
- Prayer Counseling for Men: Tommy has been getting a full schedule of counseling in the evenings and ministering to many men who desire to be set free to be the Man of Destiny for this hour. Also, he loves his job working at the Senior Living Assistance Center, releasing his wisdom, love and blessing to so many, especially those who are near to stepping into Eternity. Such a fabulous ministry opportunity!
Prayers Needed at Freedom House:
- Pray Against Cancer: Tommy was diagnosed with stage 2 prostate cancer, which thankfully has not spread. He will have surgery to remove his prostate and to also deal with some of his bladder issues. Doctors are very optimistic, and his chances for cancer in the future are very, very slim. We are thankful that doctors caught this early on. Pray that everything will go smoothly for Tommy, who has a long life here to proclaim the glories of the Lord. Also, my assistant Dorie’s husband, Ray also has prostate cancer and has a very good prognosis. Pray for them both.
- Losing & Grieving People, We Love: Dan Freke, who was supposed to join our Schools in September, has gone home to be with the Lord. Dan and Julia attended the second class of our Schools some 25+ years ago. We are all stunned and shocked, and it’s very difficult to process. Julia and Dan have been lifelong friends of Tommy, me, and our family for about 30 years. Please pray for Julia who is beginning to live a new normal life without her husband. She has been spending time with us which has been good. Rose Marie and Dan are now home sharing, worshipping, walking around in their new place of promotion. Next, as many may be aware, Loren Sandford is also home with the Lord enjoying seeing his mom and dad, John and Paula, and so many others who have gone before him. Please pray for Mark and Maureen Sandford and Beth Sandford, who are also so stunned at Loren’s passing. They are facing a new normal after losing Loren, Mark’s brother and Beth’s husband.
Remembering Rose Marie Borrelli, Founder of Freedom House:
It was 2 years this August that my mom, Rose Marie went to her new home in heaven. It still is a sting in my heart with the loss of my champion and hero. It has been an honor, privilege, and pleasure for me to continue the work my mother started in Freedom House. I surely know my mom is immensely proud of what is happening in Freedom House as well as all around the world in which I have the joy to counsel and minister.
I leave words that my mom wrote back in her journal on January 8, 1999:
“Father, good morning, River of Desire, help me to connect more intensely with you so that we become one ocean of desire, flowing together more passionately, making significant waves upon my world, to your honor and glory. Come now, let us dance together and walk together during this time in my life.” “Your Rose Marie”
We are eternally thankful for each one of you! Your donation of any amount at this ongoing COVID season means so much to us, and we do not take it for granted. Thank you for sharing hope with us, as this is what Freedom House is all about as we extend hope to the wounded, the lonely, the fearful, the perplexed, and along with the Holy Spirit walk with them during this especially confusing, hopeless, and uncertain time.
Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
With My Burning Heart of Love & Thankfulness,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry
A Live Conversation with Wm Paul Young - July 31st, 2021
”A Live Conversation with Wm Paul Young”
Author of the Christian Fiction/Fantasy Genre:
The Shack, Eve, & Cross Roads
FHM Zoom Conversation
Saturday – July 31, 2021
6:30pm to 9:00pm (CST in the US)
JOIN the conversation with YOUR
personal questions!
Sit in as Wm Paul Young chats with Mari Anne & Tommy
- In a real dialog, learn about trauma and how it impacts our lives.
- Explore more of the Shack with Paul and recognize how we ALL have a “Shack” in our own lives—a place where we store our shame, pain, and trauma.
- Consequently, we all need healing for our image of God, but how do we get there?
- Discover how when we were hurt or in crisis, we ran into our Shack, thinking it a place of hiding and protection, but it was only false comfort that failed us.
- Come and talk with Tommy, Mari Anne, & Paul about the power of grace, healing, and learning to be present.
- Understand the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit up close and personal with Paul, hearing His life-changing encounters with Papa God that can also be YOURS.
Time for Q&A—to get your questions answered!
Cost: $22.00 Single & $32 Married Couple
- Pay Online: By PayPal or Credit Card:
- For single tickets: click here
- For married couple tickets: click here
- Pay by Mail: Send checks made payable to “Freedom House Ministry,” and names of attendees to The Andersens, Freedom House Ministry, 652 Thunderbird Trl, Carol Stream, IL 60188-9262
- Register by Friday, July 30th
- Zoom link will be emailed to you on Saturday, July 31st
- After Zoom Event, all registrants will receive the link to watch the conversation with Wm Paul Young again or if you can’t attend on July 31st, you’ll be able to watch it at your convenience.
- Questions: Contact Dorie at 224-434-1200, iPhone
June 21st, 2021 Teaching Event - Hebraic Roots of Our Faith to Understanding Jesus
Joe Amaral – Author, Teacher, Speaker, Tour Leader
FHM Zoom Teaching Event
Monday – June 21, 2021
6:30pm to 8:30pm (CST in the US)
Overview of Joe Amaral’s Teaching:
- Modern-day Christians often use a 21st-century worldview to understand Jesus. However, Joe Amaral delves deep into Jewish history, societal mores, and cultural traditions, closing the gap created by geographical distance and more than two thousand years of history so that the full beauty and power of Jesus’ teachings come alive.
- Using a chronological approach to the life of Christ, Amaral guides the reader through significant events such as Jesus’ birth, baptism, and crucifixion, pointing out illuminating details that the Western mind normally misses.
- Amaral explains to understand Jesus: we must understand the time and place in which he was born, the background from which he drew his illustrations, and the audience he spoke to.
- He’ll explore specific terms, places, and events for their significance and show how they add richness and meaning to the text: the connection between Jesus and John the Baptist, the annual Feasts and why they are important to modern Christianity, Jewish customs such as foot-washing, clean and unclean foods, paying tribute to political governments, and the significance of various miracles.
- Get back to the foundation of your faith, exploring these ancient Hebraic roots.
Zoom Event Includes:
- Teaching and Q&A Time.
- Two drawings for Understanding Jesus: Cultural Insights into the Words and Deeds of Christ.
Cost: $22.00 Single & $32 Married Couple
- Pay Online: By PayPal or Credit Card:
- Single ticket: click here
- Married Couple ticket: click here
- Pay by Mail: Send checks made payable to “Freedom House Ministry” to The Andersens, Freedom House Ministry, 652 Thunderbird Trl, Carol Stream, IL 60188-9262
- Register by Saturday, June 19.
- Zoom link will be sent to you via email on Sunday, June 20.
- After Zoom Event, all registrants will receive the link by email to watch Amaral’s teaching again or if you can’t attend on June 20, you’ll be able to watch it at your convenience.
- Questions: Contact Dorie at 224-434-1200, iPhone
April & May 2021 Newsletter
Dear Friends,
Hear these words from your Savior…
. . . Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.
He who believes in me will live . . .” (john 11:25)
What a powerful statement of truth, power, and glory as well as a bountiful and abundant life on this side of the resurrection as well as our eternal life on the other side! My loving challenge to each of YOU is not to just think about resurrection glory and power just during Easter but to ask the Holy Spirit to bring you into a “resurrection mentally.”
Living from the resurrection side of the cross here and now is to live out the call, purpose, and life God has destined for YOU before the foundations of the world, which is a life of hope, healing, freedom, peace, and a life of power all because of the Great I AM who gives resurrection life here and now.
Living from the resurrection side of the cross means: to live a life of honor to our Lord and Savior, to experience the places of true life in every area of our lives, and to experience real and lasting transformation here on this side of eternity.
Living from the resurrection side of the cross is stepping into our genuine and legitimate heritage as sons and daughters of the Most-High God.
Here at Freedom House, we believe inner healing involves both crucifixion and resurrection. On the crucifixion side of the cross, we call to death old structures and practices which dishonor—those bitter root judgments, foundational lies, and inner-vows that keep us stuck in wrong patterns of thinking and doing. Consequentially, on the resurrection and life side, we call to restoration and LIFE that which honors, such as your true personhood and the original design and joy that God created for you.
Once you have dealt with those old structures that dishonor God, your life, your heritage, along with your woundedness, you bring it all to death on the cross. Then, Christ Jesus is right there to release you into blessing, honor, and healing which means:
- He will call you and your personality into a place of honor and your natural bent of personality, identity, and destiny.
- He will tell you who YOU are in Him.
- He will restore both personal and generational blessings.
- He will give YOU real power through His Holy Spirit.
You will learn to walk out the resurrection side of healing and love and
“not return evil for evil but giving blessing instead; for YOU were called
for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing.” (1 Peter 3:9)
Living from the resurrection side of the cross here and now, in your lifetime, means Jesus Christ will enable YOU to become the person you were always meant to be.
In this newsletter, because of the cross and the resurrection, I wanted you to read some of our counselees’ testimonies in how they have begun living from the resurrection side of the cross and to see how transformation took place because of the Great, I AM – and His resurrection.
Bridget’s Testimony:
After a very difficult 2020, – the most difficult year of my life -, I knew we needed help that only God could give. We live in the Far East, and friends had expressed their desire for us to receive counselling …, but I couldn’t see a way for that. To find Freedom House’s website was a pure miracle. As we read through the materials found there, our hearts resounded with a deep and settled “Yes”. Through this online counselling, the Lord has been meeting us with His love. He has shown us connections between roots and fruit so much more clearly than before. We have felt great support as we continue to invite the Lord into our family to heal us deeply, and to cleanse and deliver our family lines. Thank you, Freedom House!
Emmanuel’s Testimony:
We have been blessed by the ministry of Freedom House. The change in our daughter has been pronounced. Much healing has taken place and is taking place in our lives. I get along much better with my wife now, and family/generational issues are being dealt with. As if to confirm the restoration that is taking place in our family, the Lord connected us with some nieces we have not been in contact with for a very long time and with another one we have never even met. And we have been talking. We praise God for that. Prayers offered for us in faith by Mari Anne have also helped us locate misplaced important documents in our home soon after the prayers were offered. We thank God for all these answers to prayer and the blessings we are experiencing under the ministry of Freedom House. A very satisfied client in the Far East!
S & L’s Testimony:
My wife and I have been married for 11 years. We have three boys who are 13, 10, and 8. Two years ago we experienced a trauma that was unimaginable and unforgettable. Through our trauma, we were both in brokenness and in what felt like unrepairable everlasting damage and pain with no escape in sight. We are both Christians, we both believe in grace, and we both believe in redemption; however, leaning into those beliefs and relying on Christ in the midst of darkness is difficult, for us. And the process of healing feels overwhelming.
Finding a place that is centered in Christ and in Biblical Truths has been a true lifeline. We needed someone who carried no bias to walk with us through our trauma and we knew it needed to be someone who would point us towards Christ. When I think of pointing someone towards Christ, I think of John the Baptist. He went to the wilderness and shouted for anyone who was listening, “Prepare the way for the Lord, make strait paths for Him!” (Matthew 3:3)
We truly believe that the hope and goal of Freedom House Ministries is to help us, as a couple seeking Christ together, make way for the Lord and to create strait paths for Him. Our story is not one of Jesus intervening and the Holy Spirit fixing everything at once and we are healed in an instant. We have been going to Freedom House for almost two years, and during that time, have been facing our individual and marital issues, which has been hard. We have cried, we have fought, we have sinned, we have loved, we forgiven. We are imperfect people who continue to miss the mark in new ways, and sometimes, in the same way. I guess you could say, we are exactly the helpless needy people we read stories about in the Bible whom Jesus came to save. We are thankful to have a place like Freedom House which stays beside us through our ups and downs and continues to point us towards Christ. We truly believe finding ourselves in Freedom House Ministries was orchestrated by God.
TR’s Testimony:
If I were to summarize the past year in one word, I would say “liberating. I had been in counselling with Freedom House Ministry years ago, and another life crisis brought me back to them, seeking some way to simply get through. When I called, I was crushed—my marriage was shattered, my mind filled with confusion and despair. Mari Anne spoke one sentence of freedom that carried me through to our first counselling session. I could not have foreseen the changes God brought about in me. We always start with prayer, setting the tone for fruitful discussion. While not at the end of my journey, I feel I am the healthiest (spiritually, emotionally, mentally) I have ever been. I thought I was going to address circumstances and issues, but God had something else in store.
Mari Anne keeps detailed notes of our sessions that provide fodder for future discussions. Through counseling with Mari Anne, I have reached a level of self-acceptance I wasn’t even aware I needed (which directly impacts my marriage and other relationships). She has shared a wealth of resources in the form of teachings, book suggestions, research, and connecting me with others who have walked in similar circumstances. Her counsel has always been biblically based, often with a specific scripture for what is being addressed. At the end of each session, I have direction (sometimes a word, sometimes an assignment), and each meeting builds on the previous. The meetings are not always easy but are always productive. What a blessing this has been. I am overcoming fear, self-loathing, anxiety, grief, and other battles. I look forward to the future, instead of dreading it.
Mari Anne has imparted stability, faith, hope, and bravery as she has graciously counselled me. This has dramatically impacted me, and I feel that the day is coming where I can join the woman Jesus addressed in Matthew 9:22 – “Courage, daughter. You took a risk of faith, and now you’re well.” (The Message) – TR
These are just a few examples of what God is doing in people’s lives, and He desires greatly to see areas of healing generated within you as well to live out your purpose and destiny on the resurrection side of the cross.
Updates & Praise Reports from Freedom House
- Tommy and I will be going to Bloomington, IL throughout the Summer, teaching/ministering to a house-church. Great people who are so hungry.
- Prayer/Intercessors Meetings are going great under our new Intercessory Team Leader.
- Course 201 & 202 Schools to begin in September 2021 going through May 2022. Application deadline is August 18. Go to the freedomhouseministry.com website and choose the Schools link to read about Course 201 and Course 202. You can find an application there for new, returning or auditing students. More to come soon about the Schools.
- Mari Anne’s meeting with Staff, Small Group Leaders over the summer to renew, recharge, and replenish before our Schools begin in September 2021.
- Mari Anne’s teaching opportunities are opening more to churches and home groups.
- Tommy’s counseling sessions are exploding and thriving with God’s healing touch.
- Mari Anne even has prayer counseling sessions in India now!
- Mari Anne started filming with her media managers, Noelle and Ali, and will soon be releasing weekly “Life-Lessons on the Road to Emmaus” on YouTube. Keep an eye out for the announcement.
- A new release of God’s anointing and favor is resting upon FHM.
- Tommy, I, and the family will be going on a vacation to Disneyland in May.
- We celebrated 39 years of marriage on April 3rd.
So many wonderful developments are taking place that we feel so blessed and so thrilled! The only words we can say are from our wedding song To God Be the Glory:
My Tribute by Andraé Crouch, Felix Roach
How can I say thanks
For the things You have done for me?
Things so undeserved,
Yet You gave to prove Your love for me;The voices of a million angels
Could not express my gratitude.
All that I am and ever hope to be,
I owe it all to Thee.To God be the glory,
To God be the glory,
To God be the glory
For the things He has done.
Our Heartfelt Thanks to Each of You Who Support FHM
First, your prayers for us are being answered as we see God’s outpouring of blessings. We couldn’t do what we do without your prayers undergirding us. Secondly, your sacrificial and generous contributions to Freedom House make all that God is doing through our prayer counseling ministry, Zoom Events, YouTube teachings, and Schools possible. Like this song, it’s hard for us to express our thanks to you for your generosity!
You can donate today:
Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
With My Burning Heart of Love & Thankfulness,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry
February 28th, 2021 "Lord, Is That You?" Teaching Event
Lord, Is That You?
Tommy & Mari Anne Andersen, Freedom House Leaders
Zoom Teaching Event
Sunday – February 28, 2021
4:00pm to 6:30pm (CST)
Questions to be addressed:
- How to hear the voice of the Lord? What does that look and sound like?
- How do we know it is the Lord speaking or our own inner voice?
- What are the different ways the Lord speaks to us?
- Dark Speech—what is that?
- Did the modern-day prophets get the 2020 election results wrong?
- How did Old and New Testament prophets hear from God?
- How does God speak through our personality and temperament?
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
John 10:27 (NASB)
For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
2 Peter 1:21 (ESV)
Zoom Event Includes:
- Teaching, Q&A Time, and Corporate Prayer
- PDF documents as follow up and reference sent via email after event.
Cost: $15.00
- Pay Online: PayPal or Credit Card: Click Here
- By Mail: Checks payable to “Freedom House Ministry.” Send to: The Andersens, Freedom House Ministry, 652 Thunderbird Trl, Carol Stream, IL 60188-9262
- Register by Friday, February 26.
- Zoom link will be sent to you via email on Saturday, February 27.
- Questions: Contact Dorie at 224-434-1200, iPhone
Walking Out in Spiritual Maturity - FHM Schools
Freedom House Schools are here to help facilitate and accelerate our maturity as sons and daughters so that we can fulfill God’s will for you and for me. You may be wondering how Freedom House Schools can assist in making this happen. Let’s consider three benefits of attending the Schools:
Firstly, in our schools we help each student learn how to receive and believe what the Father thinks, feels, and proclaims about us as His sons and daughters. For many of us, we have built false perceptions about ourselves and over time, due to our earlier wounding experiences and painful traumas, our filters of how we experience life have clogged and our glasses that we wear to view life have become fogged. Furthermore, our basic trust has been broken, lost, or depleted. So we then live out our lives cautiously and carefully protecting ourselves from not getting hurt again; thus we are afraid to receive love and give love away.
Freedom House Schools help to open up these places in our hearts that have been sealed off for many years. By His Holy Spirit, through the Lessons being taught, the intimate and safe setting of a small group, and along with prayer ministry, you begin to let down the drawbridge of your heart to receive and believe His love and truths for you.
Ephesians 4:13 – until we come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature and full grown in the Lord, measuring up to the full stature of Christ. (NLT)
Spiritual maturity is marrying the faith and knowledge of Jesus in our life. However, because we all have logjams (strongholds), faulty perceptions and misbeliefs of who we are and who God is, we will not know how to live out life in Jesus through our true Christian identity, our God-given personality, and our spiritual destiny leading us into full spiritual maturity. The Schools assist us in removing the strongholds and restoring truthful, biblical perceptions and beliefs upon which spiritual maturity is based.
Secondly, through Freedom House Schools we help equip you with skills, insights, and tools for understanding why we do the things we do. We come to recognize repeated patterns that bring bad fruit and more pain/shame. We help you to bring the old structured ways of acting and thinking to death on the cross and then dismantle those places that continue to hurt us, hurt others, and hurt our Lord. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit’s love, comfort and truth, YOU can begin to live full, whole, and mature lives in Him.
Colossians 4:12 (Phillips) “That you may become mature Christians and that YOU may fulfill God’s will for you.”
Thirdly, Freedom House Schools will be like a caring family walking along side of you in the places that the Father is releasing healing and transformation. It’s with arms of love and truth that our staff and leaders encourage, uplift, and minister to you as spiritual mothers and fathers, and brothers and sisters in Christ. We release the Father’s Love and pour His Storge Love (Family Love) into those deepest places of longing to be heard, understood, and cherished. You come to the place where you can know in the inner-core of your being how much the Father loves you and how much you are a gift to Him and all those around you.
Galatians 6:10 – So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.
Join us at our 2018-19 Schools as a new student, a repeat, or an audit student.
Application Deadline is August 28 to avoid a late fee.
Submit your application today:
Course 201 Info Course 202 Info
Change Your Life in 8 Months - One Saturday a Month
There are not many things I am as sure of as this, that the schools Freedom House Ministry offers—Course 201 and Course 202—will impact your life for good more than most other courses, seminars, conferences, or weekend retreats.
Having been part of these schools for over 20 years, I have personally been positively impacted each and every year, and we have hundreds of students that have testified to the same personal and spiritual impact.
You will experience being loved and accepted in a more profound way than ever before.
You will have your ways of thinking and feeling challenged in a way that transforms how you view and feel about yourself, others, life, even how you view God and how you feel about Him.
This is so worth one Saturday a month, only ONE Saturday a month for 8 months!
Aren’t you worth this investment?
Yes, You’re Worth It!
Submit your application today.
Deadline for applications is August 28 by US mail.
Laughing Your Way to Healing Workshop - March 24, 2018
Freedom House Ministry is excited to host an afternoon of joy & laughter led by…
Mari Anne Andersen & Melliney Saltarelli
Saturday, March 24, 2018 – 12:30 to 4:30pm (Doors open at 12:00pm)
View & Share "Laughing Your Way to Healing" Event Flyer
Did you hear about why the cookie went to the hospital? Because he felt crummy!
Why did Johnny throw the clock out of the window? He wanted to see time fly!
What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta!
Do you know the answers to these questions?
- What happens to your blood vessels when you laugh? Is it good or bad for them?
- How does laughter affect your emotional brain health?
- What can laughter do for your struggle with stress and anxiety?
- Can laughter be a “food” for your body? If so, how?
- How can you increase your respiratory rate and oxygen consumption without paying a doctor’s bill?
- Isn’t the Bible an old, stuffy book that makes people feel condemned and sad?
- What can laughter do to fear? We all have it, and don’t know what to do with it!
- How can you stop wasting your life?
According to that adorable and hysterical comic Charlie Chaplin, you are wasting your life if you spend your days without laughter: “A day without laughter is a day wasted.”
Come and get the answers to these questions and many more. Find out how you can change “a day wasted” to a “day of investment” in your heart, emotional, and brain health!
The Bible is right! – A merry heart does good, like medicine Proverbs 17:22a
Join us as we learn the value of laughter from God’s perspective, from science’s perspective, and from medicine’s perspective.
Three aspects will be presented and experienced at this workshop:
- The Scriptural, scientific, and medical foundation for the importance of laughter in our lives.
- Handouts to use during the workshop and to take home for practice—to understand what happens to the brain, the heart, and the spirit when YOU laugh.
- Practice exercises that will equip you to laugh in the days to come, to respond in new ways to the events in your life, to empower you to see from God’s perspective, to have childlike faith to believe that with God all things are possible!
Beware!!! Laughter will be on the premises!
Kingsland Properties
25W560 Geneva Rd
Carol Stream, IL 60188
(0.2 miles west of Gary Ave on the north side of Geneva Rd. “Kingsland Properties” name is on the marquee in front. Looks like a one-story office building in front, but two-story in back. Just west of blue building. Set back from the road. Parking and entrance at the rear of the building.)
Cost & Registration:
- $40* per person $60* per couple
- Hors d'oeuvres & desserts served
- Free-will offering will be taken.
*PayPal fees will be applied.
To Register & Pay:
- By PayPal or Credit Card:
- By Check or Cash: Call or text Dorie 224-434-1200 or drlorden@att.net. Include names attending.