Thrive in 2025
Word for 2025
Mari Anne Andersen
Listen to the truth I speak to you: Whoever says to this mountain with great faith and does not doubt, ‘Mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the midst of the sea,’ and believes that what he says will happen, it will be done!
Mark 11:23 (TPT)
Dear Friends of Freedom House,
Speak to Your Mountains and don’t hold back. Speak to Your Mountains that it’s time to relocate and to vacate the space in your life.
You are an Overcomer and You are a victor in Christ. So don’t hold back and don’t shrink back. Take back the territory that has been stolen, whether it’s hopes, dreams, or promises. They were given by Your Creator; therefore, they are Yours. So, speak to your mountains that you will not be intimidated nor dominated by the enemy, but YOU will be motivated to advance into the places that God has spoken, that God has given, and that God has entrusted you to step into.
Don’t say you’re too old, don’t say it’s too late, and don’t say it’s too big. For nothing is too big for our God because God created all and everything and nothing is too big nor too impossible for God the Almighty (Jeremiah 32:17). He loves taking the impossible and turning it into the possible. Great possibilities await you, so speak to your mountains. They can and will be removed for this is the time for you to advance, to take a chance on the Greatest of all, who is your all in all.
Speak to Your Mountains – turn to the east and speak – turn to the west and speak – turn to the north and turn to the south and speak – speak to Your mountains – it’s time to go – so that you can flow in His river of faith and river of trust. Now is the time to readjust Your thinking as You speak to Your Mountains – rise up – stand-up and begin to speak up.
You are a warrior, a victor, and a carrier of Your Savior and Redeemer. It’s time to see the redemption of your life and your promises. Speak to your mountains!
Speak to your health, speak to the salvation of your children, speak to your marriage, speak to your finances, speak to your ministry, speak to your creativity, and speak to your bravery for your mountains are shaking and quaking and now is the time to see the groundbreaking. YOU shall be released into a rebirth of kingdom living and kingdom glory here and now. Speak to Your mountains.
Don’t remain silent, don’t remain shy, and don’t shrink back for this is the time to take a giant leap of faith, of trust, and of heavenly boldness. Rise up to the place God is calling you. He is calling out your name. He is reassuring YOU that He is Your God who is wooing and pursuing you into a place of truth, victory, and healing.
This is the year of much grace – grace on all sides – Grace on your life – grace on your words, grace to speak out and grace on your prayers. Grace on the prayers that have been prayed for so long – grace on those areas of your life that you have felt unheard and overlooked. For His great grace is freely given with great love and assistance and with great kindness. For His grace is boundless filled and overflowing with compassion. Grace upon Grace as the Father will release new hope. Drink in His hope for His hope gives life and its abundant and plentiful to overflow and is pouring out of His Holy Mountain.
You will see living waters rush into those places that need a fresh touch of refreshment and nourishment. You will see the living waters release new awakenings from the slumber of your life. The fresh new living waters will awake those areas that have been doormat – that have been in a place of a deep sleep – for God is coming to awaken you with His kisses of love.
Awake, oh, sleeper and see His Mighty Hand raising you up from slumber. Step into life – walk into life and begin to sing into your life with songs of deliverance. Dancers begin to dance upon injustices. Now is the time to dance to the sound of His band of angels singing choruses of joy and jubilation and exultation to the only King of kings.
This is a year of exiting, leaving, and departing those areas that have kept you hostage that have kept you imprisoned. Those prison doors are wide open for you to leap and dance your way out. God has a plan just as He had a plan with Daniel in the lion’s den. You have felt devoured by the enemy of the flesh, the enemy of situational circumstances, and the enemy of this world. But God Your Creator and Deliver is saying NO MORE of the DEVOURER for now is the time for your Champion to come and rescue and redeem you for the snares of the evil one (Malachi 3:11). Liberation, Salvation, and Emancipation is camping at your door of life. Open the door of your life and begin to live life—the life the Father has designed and purposed for you to thrive in 2025.
Prayer to Speak to Your Mountains
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for giving us instructions and directions in speaking to our mountains that stand in the way. You said if we have faith as tiny as a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20-21), we can say to these mountains “move “and it shall move. For nothing absolutely, positively nothing is impossible with You; for Your Word declares whatever we ask for in Your name, we will receive it IF we have faith. And we know nothing pleases you more than faith and how You reward those who earnestly seek You.
Father, we proclaim that the Word of Your power is deeply rooted within our heart and soul in Jesus’ Name. Help us Lord, to not act, speak, nor walk in the places of fear but help us to walk by faith in Your Word and with the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 5:7). Father, you said that if we believe we will see the glory of our God and that testing of our faith produces perseverance and perseverance produces faithfulness and that can achieve the seemingly impossible. Father, as we encounter those mountains in our life that seem so big and so overwhelming, help us NOT to lean in our own understanding but to lean into YOU in all things.
Father, those mountains that confront and challenge us include our marriage, our career, our promises of old, salvation for our family and children, the prodigals, our creativity, our bravery, our financial status, and our physical health and also those who are in spiritual slumber or captivity come and awake and loose these places. Remove these giant mountains that stand in the way in Jesus’ name.
Father, we can then conquer these mountains, these towering giants, not with our human muscles but by the Spirit of God. Give us Holy Spirit’s muscles to speak, believe, and see the mountains crumble and tumble.
In Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen
Let’s step into 2025 with great expectations that Father God is with us and for us and he’s getting the bride of Christ ready because he’s coming soon. Please help Freedom House Thrive in 2025 with your generous donation which will be greatly appreciated as we step into the New Year.
You can donate today:
Send a check made out to “Freedom House Ministry” to Freedom House Ministry, c/o The Andersens, 652 THUNDERBIRD TRL, CAROL STREAM IL 60188-9262
With My Heart of Love,
Mari Anne Andersen
Director, Freedom House Ministry